Russian Espionage at the core of NATO: the “Biot case”

Russian Espionage at the core of NATO: the “Biot case”

A recently discovered case of Russian espionage in Italy revealed a major threat to the security of NATO. Italy-Russia relations have been under close observation of the international forum, with their motives questioned and investigated by security experts worldwide. Concerns have been raised about the possible repercussion of Rome’s privileged economic and political partnership with the Kremlin in the European and NATO contexts. Because of the “Biot case” the security of NATO might be at stake.

China’s Vaccine and Mask Diplomacy in Hungary – Podcast

China’s Vaccine and Mask Diplomacy in Hungary – Podcast

A several-hour long virtual summit of the Heads of States of the 17+1 format members, i.e., the Central and Eastern European Countries and China, took place on February 9, 2021. For the first time in the history of the initiative, China was represented by the President of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Xi Jinping. It was another opportunity for Beijing to make its presence in the region known.

Nord Stream 2: Germany Is More Important For Biden That Ukraine And Poland

Nord Stream 2: Germany Is More Important For Biden That Ukraine And Poland

The United States will not halt the construction of a dangerous gas pipeline for its Central and Eastern European allies amid its eagerness to get along with Berlin. It is a return to the policy of Barack Obama back when the United States put European affairs into the hands of Germany. The announcement to suspend new sanctions against Nord Stream 2 could come as a surprise as this takes place between a meeting between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin, which certainly enfeebles Washington’s negotiating position.

Russia Has Produced Less Crude Oil In 2021

Russia Has Produced Less Crude Oil In 2021

Russia’s biggest oil company produced 3.7 million barrels of crude oil throughout the first quarter of 2021, marking a 19.2 percent drop year-on-year. Other Russian oil producers saw a decline in their energy output, too, amid OPEC+ curbs.

Russia’s State Duma Votes To Leave Open Skies Treaty

Russia’s State Duma Votes To Leave Open Skies Treaty

Moscow made another effort to smash the post-Cold War arms control system, this time for conventional weapons. Russia has just made a big step towards the exit from the Open Skies pact. The West will soon lose an ability to control the Russian armed forces, albeit their stockpile is not full.

Russia Conducts Double-Track Diplomacy in Israel-Hamas Conflict

Russia Conducts Double-Track Diplomacy in Israel-Hamas Conflict

Moscow must take careful steps amid the recent flare-up in the Middle East. The Kremlin enjoys warm ties with the Islamist movement Hamas and has to take into account the stance of the whole Muslim world. On the other hand, Vladimir Putin has established a special relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Through its good ties with the two parties to the conflict, the Kremlin could try to mediate. Nonetheless, this seems a tough task at the moment so Russia will just urge the two sides to stop attacks.

China+Central Asia (C+C5) Meeting

China+Central Asia (C+C5) Meeting

On May 12, the second China+Central Asia (C+C5) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was held in Xi’an City, a capital of Shaanxi Province, located in northwest China. The discussion focused on the pandemic and related matters, economic cooperation as well as regional security with an emphasis on the case of Afghanistan.

China Holds the Presidency of the UN Security Council

China Holds the Presidency of the UN Security Council

China assumed the presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in May. During a press conference, Ambassador Zhang Jun, China’s Permanent Representative to the UN, outlined plans for the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) activities at the UNSC. Additionally, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) talked with UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

Russia Pledges Support For Tajikistan Amid Deteriorating Situation In Afghanistan

Russia Pledges Support For Tajikistan Amid Deteriorating Situation In Afghanistan

During the recent Moscow visit of Tajik President Emomali Rahman, Vladimir Putin said that Russia is helping to strengthen Tajikistan’s armed forces and build up its military contingent in the country. The Kremlin is looking to stake out its military position in the Central Asian country amid a deteriorating security situation in neighboring Afghanistan. As U.S. and NATO contingents plan to leave the country, it will slip into further violence and civil war while the Taliban will only grow in force.

Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation between Hungary and Poland – interview with the Hungarian Ambassador to the Republic of Poland, Mrs. Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács

Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation between Hungary and Poland – interview with the Hungarian Ambassador to the Republic of Poland, Mrs. Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács

On May 12, 2021, the Warsaw Institute think-tank, together with the The Warsaw Institute Review quarterly, had the honor of hosting another online event from the Diplomacy Talks Series. The title of the discussion, moderated by the president of the Warsaw Institute, Tomasz Kijewski, was “Bilateral and multilateral cooperation between Hungary and Poland”. Ambassador Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács presented her personal ties with Poland as well as historical and contemporary Polish-Hungarian cooperation.

Ukraine Charges Putin Ally With High Treason

Ukraine Charges Putin Ally With High Treason

Kyiv’s main pro-Russian politician Viktor Medvedchuk is wanted by Ukraine’s Security Service, or SBU. Ukraine’s chief prosecutor charged the lawmaker with treason. The new and so far strongest blow dealt to Medvedchuk could further sour tensions on the Ukraine-Russia border, unleash retaliatory steps from Moscow and add some fuss to the agenda of a possible meeting between the U.S. and Russian leaders.

How Long Russian Oil and Gas Reserves Are Enough to Last?

How Long Russian Oil and Gas Reserves Are Enough to Last?

Russia Monitor is a review of the most important events related to Russian internal and external security, as well as its foreign policies. Date: How Long Russian Oil and Gas Reserves Are Enough to Last? Top Russian energy officials deliver a somewhat...

The Auschwitz Hero

The Auschwitz Hero

On the 120th anniversary of Witold Pilecki’s birth, it is vital to recall one of the most outstanding soldiers of the Polish armed underground resistance movement during World War II.
