News, opinions & media
Is China an open economy?

Is China an open economy?

The remarkable economic growth of China caused by its economic transition towards a free market economy has brought fundamental changes that have become the subject of many disputes across the world about the potential integration of the Chinese economy with the rest of the world. Going further, some particular events like an accession to the World Trade Organisation, have made China a more open economy.

Afghan women are losing their rights overnight

Afghan women are losing their rights overnight

In Afghanistan, many restrictions have been imposed on women by the Taliban Ministry since the Taliban took power. Initially, women working in television were required to cover their hair with scarves, while a few days ago, more stringent requirements were imposed, such as covering the entire face.

Siemens Departs Russia Over War with Ukraine

Siemens Departs Russia Over War with Ukraine

Siemens stated this Thursday, that it will exit the Russian market, due to the war in Ukraine resulting in losses and charges, which led to lower profits during its fiscal second quarter, at its train-making business.

When Zelenskyy mentions Verdun: moving for convincing

When Zelenskyy mentions Verdun: moving for convincing

In addressing the French parliamentarians on March 23rd, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy asked for “more help” and “more support”. To convince his audience, he compared Mariupol to Verdun. The memory of the Great War is important for French people and Zelenskyy knew it as he unfolded his argumentative speech.

Australia is sending another tranche of military support to Ukraine

Australia is sending another tranche of military support to Ukraine

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Australia has fulfilled its allied commitment by unequivocally standing on the side of the Free World states. Despite the distance that separates Oceania from the region of Central and Eastern Europe, the Scott Morrison government has decided to send another tranche of military support to Ukraine, which is fighting against Russian aggression.

Russia and China increase their strategic cooperation

Russia and China increase their strategic cooperation

Despite international pressure, China won’t be dissuaded from streghthening ties with Russia. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng declared, that they “will strengthen strategic cooperation with Russia no matter what.”

Presidential elections in France: Who will win the second round?

Presidential elections in France: Who will win the second round?

The first round of elections in France did not identify a new president. Incumbent president, Emmanuel Macron and the leader of the National Rally—Marine Le Pen went to the next stage. The second round will take place on April 24 and will ultimately identify the winner. ??

Is outward foreign direct investment an effective way for Chinese companies to upgrade their technological, managerial and branding capabilities, enabling them to catch up with advanced economy multinationals?

Is outward foreign direct investment an effective way for Chinese companies to upgrade their technological, managerial and branding capabilities, enabling them to catch up with advanced economy multinationals?

The main objective of the essay is to answer the question “Whether the outward foreign direct investment is an effective way for Chinese companies to upgrade their technological, managerial and branding capabilities, enabling them to catch up with advanced economy multinationals”? Nowadays, Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs) are extremely active in terms of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) across the world. Among many motivations to invest abroad, undoubtedly search for the advanced technologies and improved managerial knowledge are one of the key determinants for Chinese companies to increase their productivity and improve their performance.

(Geopolitical Notebook) NATO Expansion to the Nordic Countries: A Done Deal?

(Geopolitical Notebook) NATO Expansion to the Nordic Countries: A Done Deal?

The prospect of Finland and Sweden joining NATO will certainly rile Russia. Both coun-tries have remained neutral but due to the war in Ukraine, see NATO as their sole long term security guarantee. Finland is preparing a defence “white paper” to assess the pros and cons of joining the military alliance. In the meanwhile, parliamentary debates will be underway and a formal application to join is expected to be filed with Brussels’ HQ be-fore the next NATO summit at the end of June.

Elections in Hungary – Results and Future Predictions ??

Elections in Hungary – Results and Future Predictions ??

Viktor Orban once again won the parliamentary elections in Hungary. After 99 percent of the votes were converted by the National Electoral Office, 53.1 percent of Hungarians voted for Fidesz, which translates into 135 seats in parliament. The united opposition gained 35 percent of the vote and 56 seats. In this program, we will evaluate the results of the parliamentary elections in Hungary and make predictions for the future of Hungarian politics.

Does Ukraine need combat fighters? American Alert ?? | ep. 3

Does Ukraine need combat fighters? American Alert ?? | ep. 3

The next episode of the “American Alert” program covered the role of combat fighters in the war in Ukraine, the possibility of arming the Ukrainian army with MiG-29 combat aircraft and NATO’s response to the criminal actions of Vladimir Putin.

Emmanuel Macron, his economic balance sheet and the coming presidential election

Emmanuel Macron, his economic balance sheet and the coming presidential election

As the French presidential election is coming and will be held in April 2022, Emmanuel Macron (still not officially candidate) knows that French people are about to estimate the government actions concerning the cost of living and purchasing power. Propositions around these two main concerns will influence electoral behaviours and decide the next French President for five-year term.

Foreign policy of Poland and the Czech Republic towards Russia

Foreign policy of Poland and the Czech Republic towards Russia

The debate was devoted to the foreign policy of Poland and the Czech Republic towards Russia and it was organized thanks to public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”. ?? ??
