Coup Plot In Belarus Is Lukashenko’s Provocation

Coup Plot In Belarus Is Lukashenko’s Provocation

New details on a purported plot to kill the Belarusian leader confirm one thing: this is nothing but a provocation made up by Belarusian and Russian services. What Lukashenko said is somewhat unbelievable while any evidence submitted so far seems neither credible nor coherent.

Russia’s Novatek Sends Less Liquefied Natural Gas Abroad

Russia’s Novatek Sends Less Liquefied Natural Gas Abroad

Russia’s largest private natural gas producer seeks to reduce its LNG exports and is planning to add some shifts to its Arctic projects. Novatek––just like another Russian energy giant Gazprom––is looking for some fresh solution as Europe is reviewing its energy strategy by quitting oil and gas. One idea might be to go for ammonia instead of liquefied gas.

Xi Jinping at Boao Forum for Asia 2021

Xi Jinping at Boao Forum for Asia 2021

The annual Boao Forum for Asia kicked off in the second half of April. In addition to prominent experts and government representatives, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping delivered a speech. He followed the usual narrative of the Chinese Communist Party.

Event Summary: NATO in the 21st Century

Event Summary: NATO in the 21st Century

On April 26, 2021, the think-tank Warsaw Institute had the honor of organizing the Internet event ” NATO in the 21st century: Preparing the Alliance for the challenges of today and tomorrow” which concerned updating the challenges posed by NATO in the 21st century. The guest of Tomasz Kijewski, President of the Warsaw Institute, was Daniel Kochis, Senior Policy Analyst in European Affairs, The Heritage Foundation.

More Countries Expel Russian Diplomats in Solidarity with Czech Republic

More Countries Expel Russian Diplomats in Solidarity with Czech Republic

Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are among states that on April 22 and 23 said they had declared persona non grata seven Russian diplomats in solidarity with the Czech Republic that accused Russian secret services of being behind a fatal explosion at an arms depot in 2014. The government in Prague urged NATO and the EU to take similar steps against Russian intelligence agents operating under diplomatic cover as those three years ago after the attempted poisoning of Sergei Skripal.

Russia’s FSB Aircraft Stirs Tensions Between Russia and Colombia

Russia’s FSB Aircraft Stirs Tensions Between Russia and Colombia

Russia’s military and intelligence activities in Moscow-friendly states neighboring the Caribbean Sea raise concern in others as Russia breaks the existing rules. The latest example is a protest note from Colombia whose airspace was violated by a Russian aircraft.

Huawei Scandal in the Netherlands Diminishes its Prospects in Europe

Huawei Scandal in the Netherlands Diminishes its Prospects in Europe

A row over Huawei’s unrestricted access to sensitive data and conversations of millions of users, potentially including Dutch Premier and Ministers, erupted in the Netherlands in mid-April. The reports aggravate an already problematic situation of the company in Europe – in 2019-2020 Washington imposed stiff sanctions on sales of its hardware and software. The actions of Donald Trump’s administration have limited the competitiveness of Huawei’s smartphones. The US diplomatic offensive and growing concern of the EU members about intelligence threats have reduced firm’s chances to play a leading role in the construction 5G infrastructure in the region.

Pulaski, Kosciuszko and the Memory of the Sons of Liberty

Pulaski, Kosciuszko and the Memory of the Sons of Liberty

Casimir Pulaski Day was celebrated in Illinois on March 1, 2021. This legal holiday was established on June 20, 1977 to commemorate Casimir Pulaski, a hero of the American Revolutionary War. This day is a symbol and a tribute of the American people to all the Poles who took part in the American War of Independence. What do we know about the involvement of Polish volunteers in the Revolutionary War and are those events remembered in light of ongoing sociocultural changes, more than 240 years after Pulaski’s death?

Tensions rise in the Black Sea. Russia may blockade Ukraine’s ports

Tensions rise in the Black Sea. Russia may blockade Ukraine’s ports

The entire Black Sea Fleet, 15 units of the Caspian Flotilla, 5 units of the Northern Fleet and the Baltic Fleet – the concentration of Russian naval forces in the waters bordering Ukraine translates into a further escalation of tensions in this part of Europe. It’s possible that it is at sea that Moscow is planning the most important part of the operation against Ukraine.

17+1 Summit: The Difficult Future of the Initiative – Podcast

17+1 Summit: The Difficult Future of the Initiative – Podcast

Despite growing trade and good relations between the presidents of the two countries, communication between Warsaw and Beijing has stalled for some time. Following a period of dynamic development of relationships between 2008 and 2016, the cooperation has weakened under the rule of the United Right (Polish: Zjednoczona Prawica).

BREXIT, Polish-British cooperation and Polish diaspora in Great Britain – interview with the Polish Ambassador to Great Britain and Northern Ireland

BREXIT, Polish-British cooperation and Polish diaspora in Great Britain – interview with the Polish Ambassador to Great Britain and Northern Ireland

On April 14, 2021, the Warsaw Institute think tank, together with The Warsaw Institute Review quarterly, had the honor of hosting another online event from the Diplomacy Talks Series. The title of the discussion, moderated by the president of the Warsaw Institute, Tomasz Kijewski, was “BREXIT and its importance for Europe and the Polish diaspora in Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Ambassador dr hab. Arkady Rzegocki presented his assessment of the impact of BREXIT on the cooperation of Great Britain with Poland, the European Union and the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

US Intelligence Report – China’s Threat

US Intelligence Report – China’s Threat

On April 13, 2021, the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released an unclassified annual report on global threats to US national security to Congress. China’s efforts to expand its growing influence, pose one of the greatest threats to America.
