How are Russian and Chinese Disinformation in V4 countries different?

How are Russian and Chinese Disinformation in V4 countries different?

The use of disinformation to pursue foreign and domestic policy objectives is a recurrent topic that continues to echo across policy and academia. With the most recent developments in the war in Ukraine, disinformation has risen as a public issue in various political domains across Central and Eastern Europe, particularly in Visegrad countries or V4 (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia).

War In Donbas: Battles Of Kupyansk And Bakhmut

War In Donbas: Battles Of Kupyansk And Bakhmut

No breakthrough was made in the second half of August in the Kharkiv-Donbas sector of the Russia-Ukraine war. Russia is putting continuous pressure on the Luhansk-Kharkiv border while Ukraine is trying to seize the hills around Bakhmut, flank the city seen as a symbol of defiance, and push Russian forces out of it.

Ukrainian Drones Strike At Russian Strategic Bombers

Ukrainian Drones Strike At Russian Strategic Bombers

An assault was launched in an airfield in Novgorod Oblast, damaging a Tu-22M3 aircraft. Two days later, Russian bombers were damaged in Russia’s Kaluga Oblast at the Shaykovka airfield as a result of a drone attack. Russian officials said there was no damage after an attempted drone attack in the district where Shaykovka is located. Earlier, another aircraft was burned despite initial reports of damage.

Ukrainian Counteroffensive Advancing Slowly in South and Bakhmut Direction

Ukrainian Counteroffensive Advancing Slowly in South and Bakhmut Direction

Two months into the long-awaited counteroffensive, Ukrainian forces have not made any substantial gains on the frontline. The Russians had to withdraw on several sections along the frontline. Ukrainian forces have retaken the biggest swathes of territory around Bakhmut and along the border of Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk and southern Zaporizhzhya regions. Ukraine’s strategy still involves far-reaching wariness of personnel and equipment losses and efforts to impair Russian military, materiel, and supply lines behind the frontline.

Russian Forces Intensify Shelling of Kupyansk

Russian Forces Intensify Shelling of Kupyansk

Heavy fighting has emerged in the easternmost section of the Russian-Ukrainian frontline. Russian troops are trying to break through Ukraine’s defenses in the Kupyansk direction and capture the city. In addition, Ukrainian forces are getting pummeled by dozens of air strikes and artillery barrages from Russian territory. A mandatory evacuation has been ordered for the Ukrainian city of Kupyansk on the eastern bank of the Oskil river, a sign that the Ukrainian military command might seek to withdraw from a strip of land and form a defense line along the river.

How to contain an increasingly assertive China?

How to contain an increasingly assertive China?

Tensions in the South China Sea are on the rise. The United States has just pledged to defend Philippine vessels if they are attacked over there, after Beijing and Manila blamed each other after a China Coast Guard ship fired water cannons at a Philippine boat. The incident may well be deliberately provoked by China to test the commitment of the United States in the region.

Disinformation and Democracy: Navigating the 2023 Political Landscape in Central and Eastern Europe

Disinformation and Democracy: Navigating the 2023 Political Landscape in Central and Eastern Europe

The year 2023 is marked as a political year in history. The agenda for 2023 features various countries including Poland and Slovakia gearing up for crucial elections, poised to respond to both domestic and external pressures. After the round of elections in China, Spain, and Turkey, citizens’ willingness to preserve the status quo has found ground in society.

The European consensus on climate policy is unraveling

The European consensus on climate policy is unraveling

The departure of EU “climate” Commissioner Frans Timmermans, who is hoping to do well in the upcoming Dutch election, may well be a pivotal moment. More than anyone else, Timmermans is the face of the European Union’s drive for ever more intrusive regulations to combat climate change.

Kremlin Watchers Report: Trends in the Czech Disinformation Scene

Kremlin Watchers Report: Trends in the Czech Disinformation Scene

The Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory marked 500 days in early July. During this time, a number of disinformation narratives flowing from Russia have been circulating in the Czech internet environment, aiming to turn public opinion against Ukraine and undermine trust in the government. Below is an overview of the current disinformation tendencies spreading through the Czech internet in June and July 2023.

Russian Bear of Influence in Slovakia

Russian Bear of Influence in Slovakia

The penetration of pro-Kremlin propaganda narratives into the Slovak information space has been occurring since 2014, when the emphasis on deceptive narratives about the alleged oppression of the Russian minority in Ukraine, the Western political and societal decadency, or the allegedly strong background of the far right in Ukrainian society and politics, intensified.
