Russia Monitor Articles
Syrian Civil War. Who is afraid of mercenaries

Syrian Civil War. Who is afraid of mercenaries

Messages pointing to the presence of Russian mercenaries in Syria are still coming. After the massacre in Euphrates Valley in early February, Moscow did not change its policy and is still using the services of, so called, Wagner group.

Nord Stream 2. Berlin is holding up, time is running

Nord Stream 2. Berlin is holding up, time is running

Russia and Germany regroup their forces in the battle of Nord Stream 2 project realisation. Both countries play the game. They try to lure their project opponents with maintaining Russian gas transit through Ukraine after 2019.

Medvedev Pacified

Medvedev Pacified

A current PM would probably remain in function but his political influences would be much smaller. If earlier any political camp focused around Dmitry Medvedev existed, now it is a thing of the past.

Gazprom not relishing the Novatek’s LNG

Gazprom not relishing the Novatek’s LNG

A next stage of the Russian liquefied gas sector development has begun. With the beginning of April, an export terminal of Yamal LNG started fulfilling long-term contracts – mainly with receivers from Asia.

Estonia vs. Russian spies. A new report

Estonia vs. Russian spies. A new report

Estonian Kaitsepolitsei counterintelligence published an annual report for 2017. It shows that the activity of Russian intelligence on the Estonian territory is still intense. This is reflected e.g. by the last year arrest of four Russian spies.

The largest Russian oil buyers

The largest Russian oil buyers

The Chinese pay the most, the Belarusian pay the least. But the biggest part of Russian oil is bought by agents belonging to Russian oil extraction companies.

Soldiers and Gas. The USA Defends the Baltic Allies

Soldiers and Gas. The USA Defends the Baltic Allies

A summit in Washington, LNG supply contracts, announced arrival of several hundred American soldiers. The United States strongly stresses the meaning of the alliance with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Of course, this is mainly a sign for Moscow, which does not abandon the attempts at destabilising its three former republics, now the easternmost NATO’s territories.

A Petroleum Flirtation, but Not a Marriage

A Petroleum Flirtation, but Not a Marriage

Saudi Arabia and Russia are the biggest producers of crude oil in the world. They jointly supply 21 percent of the global oil demand. Both countries are also key members of the agreement with oil producers from outside OPEC on limiting crude output.

Yekaterinburg:  Destroy the Opposition

Yekaterinburg: Destroy the Opposition

Immediately after his recent re-election, Vladimir Putin has decided to intensify the war with the opposition. As for the latter, it has been scattered and weak and it has some importance only at local level. Such is the case of Yekaterinburg, Russia’s fourth largest city, whose mayor openly criticises the Kremlin and expresses support for opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Russian rockets over the Baltic Sea

Russian rockets over the Baltic Sea

Almost at the last moment, Russia informed that it would conduct rocket tests in the Baltic Sea, which caused serious concerns in the countries neighbouring that sea.

A Timchenko’s Partner Benefits from the Tragedy in Kemerovo

A Timchenko’s Partner Benefits from the Tragedy in Kemerovo

The fire in the shopping mall in Kemerovo shocked Russia to such an extent that the Kremlin had to change the governor of the region. Aman Tuleyev, who had governed Kuzbas since 1997 was forced to resign. He was replaced by his current deputy Sergej Civilev.

War Over Russia’s Strategic Oil Port

War Over Russia’s Strategic Oil Port

Arresting the Magomedov brothers may be perceived as the revenge of the Rosneft CEO, Igor Sechin, who could have done it for two main reasons. First, he may have been some economic ones as he fought with the owners of the Summa Group because of high charges for handling crude oil in the port of Novorossiysk. The case may also have its political dimension.

Russian diplomats out! What about Nord Stream 2?

Russian diplomats out! What about Nord Stream 2?

The unprecedented in the history of the West action of banishing the Russian secret intelligence officers working under diplomatic cover is a reaction to Sergei Skripal’s poisoning. Seemingly, evidences provided by London are so strong, that even Germany decided to join the retaliatory measures. There is no doubt that it is a big and sad surprise for Moscow, which for years is aiming to divide the West and the EU.

Russia Strengthens the Mediterranean Squadron

Russia Strengthens the Mediterranean Squadron

A squadron of the Russian fleet in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea was reinforced in March by another two frigates, including one armed with a Kalibr missile. Moscow claims, that it is only a reaction to the American threats of attacking Damascus.
