Russia Monitor Articles
Erdogan-Putin Meeting: Hope for Tie-in Transaction in Syria

Erdogan-Putin Meeting: Hope for Tie-in Transaction in Syria

Donald Trump’s decision to pull out American troops from Syria may change the strategic situation in the country, with the particular regard to its northeastern regions. This event is likely to be used by Turkey to destroy the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia. And yet Moscow became a key mediator in talks between Kurds and the Damascus government.

Russian Oil to Dominate Chinese Market

Russian Oil to Dominate Chinese Market

The current situation on global oil market is conducive to Russia’s growing exports to the Chinese market. Russian exporters have seemed to take advantage of favorable circumstances, including recent crisis in Venezuela, anti-Iranian sanctions, U.S.-China trade war and attempt to influence the market by OPEC+ member states, which enabled them to become a key player in the Middle Kingdom.

Kaliningrad LNG Terminal: Russia’s Costly Show

Kaliningrad LNG Terminal: Russia’s Costly Show

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently boasted about Kaliningrad’s gas independence, a solution that comes as politically effective yet economically profitable. A floating vessel had been built in the Far East, from where it was later shipped to Kaliningrad. Nonetheless, Russian infrastructure for LNG production and transport needs to be dramatically improved.

Russia’s In No Rush to Reduce Oil Output

Russia’s In No Rush to Reduce Oil Output

Moscow is doing its utmost to take advantage of the current status in the OPEC+ while hoping to gain maximum profits from selling crude oil. When other countries rush to reduce their oil output, aiming to raise global prices, Russian firms have no intention to cut production rapidly, thus earning money at the expense of their partners.

Russia’s Poor Public Mood

Russia’s Poor Public Mood

According to polls published in late 2018 and early 2019, Russian society’s opinion on the Russian authorities has never been worse. Citizens are increasingly critical towards both the government – an institution that tends to be accounted for all state’s problems – and the president. Interestingly, the latter until now played the role of a “monarch” who seemed to rule over troublesome issues of the Russians.

Chechnya’s Kadyrov Gets Oil and Gas Privileges

Chechnya’s Kadyrov Gets Oil and Gas Privileges

Chechnya and its leader Ramzan Kadyrov has long been aroused envy of both other regions’ governors and Moscow’s ruling elites. Kadyrov’s great personal relations with Vladimir Putin seem to prevail over complaints and intrigues. This also applies to the energy industry. After having taken over oil assets and exacerbated hitherto conflict with Rosneft’s CEO Igor Sechin, Chechnya’s leader decided to go to war with Gazprom.

Russia Seeks to Offer Help Hoping to Get Zimbabwe’s Diamonds

Russia Seeks to Offer Help Hoping to Get Zimbabwe’s Diamonds

Given the dramatically poor economic situation in many African countries and relatively low financial costs needed to provide some political regimes with essential aid, it does not come as a surprise that Moscow keeps getting involved in backing more and more states of the Dark Continent.

Russia’s Wagner Group Helps Put Down Sudan’s Anti-Government Protests

Russia’s Wagner Group Helps Put Down Sudan’s Anti-Government Protests

Both Russian Embassy in Khartoum and Sudan’s Interior Ministry denied reports that Russian mercenaries are aiding in quashing anti-government protests. However, they admitted that “Russian advisors” help to train Sudanese special forces. The country has shaken by mass protests against President Omar al-Bashir, which caused the Kremlin’s serious concern.

Russia’s Novatek Signs Deal With Japan’s Gas Company

Russia’s Novatek Signs Deal With Japan’s Gas Company

Novatek’s development and its income from Arctic LNG projects seem to depend on its regular, rapid and increasing supplies to Asian-Pacific markets. Russia’s largest private-owned gas firm aims at expanding its transport infrastructure on the Northern Sea Route, which explains the company’s plans to build a trans-shipment terminal in the Kamchatka Peninsula and a recent Russian-Japanese deal.

Gazprom Diversifies Gas Sales on EU Market

Gazprom Diversifies Gas Sales on EU Market

In mid-January, Russia’s state-owned company Gazprom announced the beginning of gas sales to Europe’s biggest gas hub in the Netherlands. Since last autumn Russia’s gas giant has been gradually changing its sales strategy on the EU market and it began to sell its raw material making spot transactions through the electronic trading platform.

Russia Loses Influence in the Balkans

Russia Loses Influence in the Balkans

Macedonian parliament’s recent decision to change the country’s name sparked outrage in Moscow while a statement issued by Russian Foreign Ministry is considered as meddling in other country’s domestic affairs. According to Moscow, Macedonia’s name was changed against the will of its citizens while violating Macedonian law.

Nord Stream 2: US Warns Germany of Potential Restrictions

Nord Stream 2: US Warns Germany of Potential Restrictions

The United States may impose further sanctions on Western companies that finance the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and those that are in charge of carrying out pipe-laying operations on the seabed. Both media reports and an open letter sent by the U.S. Ambassador to Germany caused some nervous reactions amid Germany’s decision-makers.

Putin-Connected Oligarch Wins Anticorruption Tender

Putin-Connected Oligarch Wins Anticorruption Tender

A decision to award a state grant to a company held by Arkady Rotenberg revealed corruption of Putin’s Russia, not to mention its dramatic lack of self-preservation instinct. Rotenberg, who is Putin’s friend, was offered lucrative contracts, including those to build gas pipelines to China and Germany, construct a bridge to Crimea and to prepare infrastructure for Winter Olympic Games.

Russia Tempts Greece with Gas Promises

Russia Tempts Greece with Gas Promises

Three years passed since Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras paid a visit to Moscow. Furthermore, traditional close ties between Russia and Greece have recently deteriorated; it was the Kremlin’s fault, though, as Athens is upset with the ever-growing Russian-Turkish defense alliance, including the S-400 system deal.
