The Working Group on conservatism in Europe

The Working Group on conservatism in Europe

The Working Group on Conservatism in Europe is a partnership of institutes, which have been working together since 2022 to identify and define European conservative ideas and traditions, as a starting point for a wider conversation that could draw out common principles.



We are pleased to invite everyone to Warsaw Institute online event EU: Climate Policy in Focus. See the upcoming challenges and for european policy not only this year but in the future too.

EU: Climate Policy in Focus

EU: Climate Policy in Focus

We are pleased to invite everyone to Warsaw Institute online event EU: Climate Policy in Focus. See the upcoming challenges and for european policy not only this year but in the future too.

Visegrad 2024: Building the Future Agenda

Visegrad 2024: Building the Future Agenda

We are pleased to invite everyone to Warsaw Institute online event Visegrad 2024: Building the Future Agenda. See the upcoming challenges and opportunities for the V4 Group.

CEE Cooperation Summit – Europe’s Rising Power

CEE Cooperation Summit – Europe’s Rising Power

The CEE Cooperation Summit 2023 is a unique opportunity to delve into the challenges and opportunities that define the CEE region, while also exploring the synergies and cooperation fostered by the Three Seas Initiative.

TransAtlantic Energy Conference 2023

TransAtlantic Energy Conference 2023

With renewed conflict in the Middle East, and oil prices rising, it is clear that energy plays a pivotal role in economic development, national security, and geopolitical stability. A reliable and affordable energy supply is essential for economic growth. Ensuring energy security has never been more crucial.

Announcement of the 31st Economic Forum

Announcement of the 31st Economic Forum

Three days of conference, over three hundred debates and four thousand guests from Europe, Central Asia and the USA. Karpacz will for the third time become the centre of the Economic Forum – an event that has been gathering political, economic and social leaders for thirty years. The conference is organized by the Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies.

The military capabilities among Antarctic claimant states

The military capabilities among Antarctic claimant states

The speakers who took part in this event were: Jan Hernik, editor-in-chief in Warsaw Institute and Finn – Ole Albers associated fellow at the Warsaw Institute. Finn – Ole Albers have written a report about military capabilities among Antarctic climate states. He mentioned the numbers of transport planes, tanker ships, destroyers that he used in his comparison. It is important which weapon system could be engaged in Antarctica. Finn – Ole Albers In his work used global firepower index and available database from 2015-2022 as his source of information. Machines from sea and air are essential for this report. Tactics, technology ,and firepower of single weapon systems as well reconnaissance capabilities gave Finn a broad view on a states’ position in the region. He measured, which country has the biggest chance in conquering Antarctica with their military resources.
