Programs / Special Reports
Putin’s Helsinki:  Tactical Success, Strategic Failure

Putin’s Helsinki: Tactical Success, Strategic Failure

The Helsinki summit between Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin did not bring any breakthrough in relations between the two countries as the diplomatic crisis has only deepened since that time. As a result, no sanctions against Russia may be lifted nor restricted while it is not certain whether any further restrictions will be introduced in the near future.

Frozen partnership: Georgia-NATO Relations After the Brussels Summit

Frozen partnership: Georgia-NATO Relations After the Brussels Summit

The recent NATO summit in Brussels once again confirmed the validity of the declaration of Georgia’s imminent membership within the structures of the Alliance that had been submitted in Bucharest in 2008. Nonetheless, it has not been specified when such an event would possibly take place.

Putin Tempts Europe with a New “reset” Policy

Putin Tempts Europe with a New “reset” Policy

Thanks to such moves as simulating reforms in the country and promising his Western partners to improve diplomatic relations, Vladimir Putin clearly wants to gain time as he has currently no other choice due to Russia’s poor economic situation and apparent lack of success on the international arena.

Armenia: Change of Power

Armenia: Change of Power

Armenia’s new government was formed by Nikol Pashinyan, the leader of the April protests that had eventually led to the change of power in the country. For his cabinet, he has appointed ministers of foreign affairs and national defense, both of them being experienced specialists; such a decision should foster non-revolutionary politics in these domains.

Operation „The President”

Operation „The President”

In the presidential election in Russia on March 18, 2018, won Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russian: Vladimir Владимирович Путин), which was announced by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. The most intriguing word in this announcement is “election”. Did presidential election really take place in Russia?

Baltic Pipe – From Idea to Decision

Baltic Pipe – From Idea to Decision

A year ago, only a few people knew about the Baltic Pipe project, a pipeline that is supposed to constitute the gas connection between Poland and gas fields on the Norwegian continental shelf. In addition, the gas interconnector project was then in its concept phase.

Russia In Shock Over New Sanctions

Russia In Shock Over New Sanctions

The sanctions imposed on April 6 by the United States on Russian citizens and entities proved to be a much stronger shock to the Russian economy than any other previous restrictions, starting from 2014.

Legitimacy for post-Crimea political order. Russian presidential elections

Legitimacy for post-Crimea political order. Russian presidential elections

The 2018 Russian presidential elections were in fact a referendum on the political course launched by Vladimir Putin in 2014. It should not come as a surprise that the event had been scheduled for 18 March, which symbolically marked the fourth anniversary of Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

Poles and Jews in the struggle for independence, 1918 – 1948

Poles and Jews in the struggle for independence, 1918 – 1948

The partition of the Polish state in 1795 by the three powers neighboring Poland: Russia, Prussia and Austria, was a tragic turning point in Polish history. The Polish nation never reconciled itself to the loss of its statehood. Throughout the entire 19th century, the Polish Nation tried fighting to recover their lost independence.

Technocrat or silovik

Technocrat or silovik

The large-scale personnel changes in the Russian Federation indicates that such a situation is not only due to the pre-election campaign as loyal and efficient people are needed in order to ensure the proper result of the vote. It constitutes an element of a new role of the regions in the Putin regime, which may be associated with the start of his new presidential term.

FSB or Cheka 2.0

FSB or Cheka 2.0

The Federal Security Service remains the most important part of the repressive apparatus of the Vladimir Putin regime and the main successor of the Chekist tradition. However, it has recently had to face the National Guard, its most dangerous rival. Competition with this relatively new security institution as well as the internal changes in Lubyanka Square will determine the near future of the FSB.

Donbass Coup D’état – an Analysis

Donbass Coup D’état – an Analysis

A coup d’état took place in Luhansk area of the occupied region of Donbass at the end of November. As a result, Igor Plotnitsky was replaced by Leonid Pasechnik. Such a change constitutes the victory of the FSB and, at the same time, the defeat of Vladislav Surkov along with the allied GRU forces.

Comments on the Legal Opinion on War Reparations

Comments on the Legal Opinion on War Reparations

Comments on the “Legal opinion of the Sejm Bureau of Research of The Chancellery of the Sejm on Poland seeking compensation from Germany in connection with international agreements for damage suffered during World War II” prepared by Robert Jastrzębski, with a summary of the most important theses of the opinion.

Punish Russia: US Congress Hits the Russian Energy Sector

Punish Russia: US Congress Hits the Russian Energy Sector

The Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATS), which was adopted with near unanimous support from both chambers of the US Congress (98-2 in Senate; and 419-3 in the House of Representatives), imposes significant new sanctions upon Russia.
