News, opinions & media
Poland will not sign another contract with Gazprom

Poland will not sign another contract with Gazprom

In the article „Poland bets on Gdansk FSRU to meet projected demand”, published by Interfax Global Energy London office., Mr. Krzysztof Kamiński – Warsaw Institute President – gave his remarks regaring current situation in the natural gas market in Poland.

Is Turkey NATO’s Weak Link?

Is Turkey NATO’s Weak Link?

Turkey has received the first parts of a Russian S-400 missile defense system, all this despite Donald Trump’s warnings and the Pentagon’s threats. Imposing U.S. sanctions on Ankara is inevitable, but Turkey’s purchase of cutting-edge Russian military technology poses a thorny problem for all its fellow NATO allies, a situation from which Russia gains most.

Georgians Took to the Streets

Georgians Took to the Streets

A wave of demonstrations sparked in Georgia, a country located in the South Caucasus. Mass protests broke out over anti-Russian sentiment yet soon exemplified to no lesser extent people’s infuriation with the policy pursued by Georgian Dream, a political party that has ruled the country over the past six years. Though many would be eager to eye what happened in Georgia as a revolution, a sudden change of power seems unlikely, at least now.

Western Balkans and Geopolitics

Western Balkans and Geopolitics

In 2019, Poland holds the presidency over the Berlin Summit, culminated by the Western Balkans Summit in Poznań. Launched at the Berlin summit in 2014, the initiative gathers some of EU Member States, including Poland, along with six Western Balkan states.

Western Balkans Summit 2019

Western Balkans Summit 2019

The Western Balkans summit in Poznan is the culminating point of the Polish Presidency in the Berlin Process. The meetings at the highest level were supplemented with two complementary events: the business component was presented during the Business Forum, and the civil society dimension was discussed during the Civil Society Forum.

New Foundation Board of the Warsaw Institute think tank

New Foundation Board of the Warsaw Institute think tank

On June 17, 2019, a new Foundation Board of Warsaw Institute was established. The Board members are: Leszek Jesień – former Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and associate professor at Collegium Civitas, Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse – Professor of the University of Warsaw and Warsaw Institute expert and Marcin Gawęda – President of The Warsaw Institute Foundation – our sister organization operating in the U.S.

One Golunov Doesn’t Make Summer

One Golunov Doesn’t Make Summer

Staging provocations and framing people referred to as uncomfortable for the regime are a common practice in Russia under Vladimir Putin, with drugs and even child pornography being planted on the regime’s opponents. More and more people, including journalists, are sent behind bars on bogus charges while law enforcement agencies, prosecutors and courts follow the orders from the state authorities.

Strategy Duologues on Geopolitics at the Embassy of Indonesia

Strategy Duologues on Geopolitics at the Embassy of Indonesia

As part of the Strategy Duologues on Geopolitics project, editorial staff of The Warsaw Institute Review quarterly and representative of the Warsaw Institute think tank held a meeting with the Ambassador of Indonesia in Poland and key diplomats of the Indonesian institution.
