Date: 3 July 2019
New Foundation Board of the Warsaw Institute think tank
On June 17, 2019, a new Foundation Board of Warsaw Institute was established. The Board members are: Leszek Jesień – former Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and associate professor at Collegium Civitas, Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse – Professor of the University of Warsaw and Warsaw Institute expert and Marcin Gawęda – President of The Warsaw Institute Foundation – our sister organization operating in the U.S.

Leszek Jesień – President of the Foundation Board
Leszek Jesień holds a PhD degree in humanities; he is a political scientist and specialist in European integration and energy policy. In 2006, he served as Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. He was a coordinator for the EU at the Polish Institute of International Affairs and a member of the Polish-Russian Group for Difficult Matters. He is also a lecturer at Collegium Civitas university and Poland’s National College of Public Administration.

Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse – Member of the Foundation Board
Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse is a sociologist, political scientist and historian. He is a professor at the University of Warsaw. He holds interest in the analysis of economic policies within the EU and its Member States, as well as in public management, geo-economics, Europeanization and theoretical thought on European integration. Professor Grosse also works as an expert at the Warsaw Institute.

Marcin Gawęda – Member of the Foundation Board
Marcin Gawęda is a political scientist and economist with over 10 years’ experience in economic journalism. He is a specialist in energy security, especially in the domain of crude oil and natural gas. Marcin Gawęda is the president of the Warsaw Institute Foundation, a U.S.-based twin organization.