Date: 2.08.2019
Last One Turns off the Light. What’s Next with Poland’s Energy Sector? – an account of the debate
On July 22, 2019, a discussion took place on Poland’s energy industry. The Warsaw Institute foundation was represented by Janusz Kowalski, an energy security expert. In his remarks, he said that Poland’s post-2015 energy policy had seen a radical change that stemmed from a real diversification in energy sources and the extension of the LNG terminal. Poland’s current energy policy goes in line with its state interests while being confrontational to those of Russia and Germany.

Among the main issues discussed was the composition of Poland’s optimum energy mix while the experts also answered the questions whether the development of nuclear energy can be eyed as an alternative to coal and whether it is possible to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
The list of panelists included:
Janusz Kowalski – a security energy expert, former vice-president of Poland’s oil and gas company, PGNiG S.A., member of the Energy Security Team at the Chancellery of President of Poland Lech Kaczyński and an expert at the Warsaw Institute;
Wojciech Płachetka – a lawyer, specialist in public economic law, energy industry entrepreneur, chairman of the CDE Group. Author of expert comments at the Nowa Konfederacja thinkzine;
dr Maciej Bukowski, Ph.D – an economist, president of the WiseEuropa think tank and researcher at the University of Warsaw. He is also a co-author and editor of a 2019 report titled Nowe otwarcie. Polska na drodze do zeroemisyjnej gospodarki [New opening: Poland on the road to the zero-emission economy]The discussion was chaired by Jakub Wiech, a lawyer, journalist and publicist, deputy editor-in-chief of the website.
Below you will find an account of the debate: