Date: 1 July 2020
Video conference of Foreign Ministers of the Three Seas Initiative.

Yesterday, Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jacek Czaputowicz took part in a video conference of foreign ministers of the Three Seas Initiative, during which the Estonian side presented the preparations for the Three Seas Summit, which will take place in Tallinn on 19-20 October 2020. Poland contributed EUR 500 million to the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund.
The minister expressed appreciation for the involvement of the United States in the establishment of the fund. The U.S. and U.S. International Development Finance Corporation are investing up to $1 billion in Three Seas Initiative and partnering with member states to boost economic prosperity via regional connectivity. He also noted that Poland supports intensive intergovernmental cooperation as part of the Initiative, which promotes successful political cooperation at the level of heads of states. The Polish foreign minister pointed out that the complications to global trade caused by the pandemic made regional economic cooperation all the more important. Minister Jacek Czaputowicz thanked the Estonian partners for their effectiveness in preparing the Three Seas Summit, to be held in Tallinn on 19-20 October this year, and for organising the today’s video conference.
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