Afghan women are losing their rights overnight

Afghan women are losing their rights overnight

In Afghanistan, many restrictions have been imposed on women by the Taliban Ministry since the Taliban took power. Initially, women working in television were required to cover their hair with scarves, while a few days ago, more stringent requirements were imposed, such as covering the entire face.

Impact of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on the Security of the Middle East

Impact of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on the Security of the Middle East

The Middle East region is nowadays considered one of the least stable areas in the world. The main factor contributing to this state of affairs is the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This conflict has not been resolved so far, despite the fact that in the 1990s a peace process was initiated. All mediation and negotiation attempts have stalled due to the complexity of the problem and the conditions that must be met by both sides for a lasting peace. Efforts to create a Palestinian state have continued, but successive conflicts between Palestine and Israel have hampered the peace process. Although both sides have repeatedly declared their willingness to resume peace talks, the criteria they set for each other result in the negotiations continuing to fail.

Transnistria. What’s going on there?

Transnistria. What’s going on there?

The Russian attack on Ukraine has been going on for three months now. Currently, the main area of fighting is the eastern part of the country. However, Ukrainian commanders must also bear in mind the western border. All through the so-called Transnistria, i.e. the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic. Approximately 1.5 thousand Russian soldiers are stationed in the internationally unrecognized separatist quasi-state, which inevitably may be alarming. There are many indications that their role should not be overestimated. A small number of troops and the outdated equipment used by them allow at best for subversive activities on a limited scale. However, it is worth being aware of their potential.

After Russian Cutoffs, European Countries Face Gas Conundrum

After Russian Cutoffs, European Countries Face Gas Conundrum

Gazprom’s halted gas deliveries to Bulgaria and perhaps soon Moldova made eastern Balkan countries look for some alternatives. One could be an increased flow of liquefied natural gas (LNG) through Greek terminals, currently under construction. Another might consist in expanding gas facilities to deliver more gas from Azerbaijan. In addition, Romania says it will produce much gas once it starts extracting from the Black Sea shelf. The easiest and fastest solution is the second of them, though. Greece-based LNG terminals will be operational in a year and a half. It is only in four years that Romania is poised to become a gas exporter.

South Ossetia’s Cumbersome Referendum After Leader Quits

South Ossetia’s Cumbersome Referendum After Leader Quits

The leader of Georgia’s breakaway region of South Ossetia set July 17 as a date for a referendum on joining Russia. Anatoliy Bibilov, who has been the de facto president of South Ossetia, yet lost to his top challenger who is against a vote on whether or not to join Russia. The sham referendum is a headache for Russia, being an obstacle to rapprochement efforts made by Georgia’s ruling party. If the Kremlin is seeking to please Putin, it could be through claiming some Caucasian regions from Georgia while possibly ripping some lands from Ukraine.

Donbas Operation: Fierce Fighting By Donets River

Donbas Operation: Fierce Fighting By Donets River

Russian forces once again shifted their military strategy in Donbas. As Ukrainian troops claimed success in the region, Moscow lowered its expectations. Many signs are that Russian forces will seek to encircle the Ukrainian military in Severodonetsk though to a smaller extent than intended.

Putin Appoints Acting Governors In Display Of Power

Putin Appoints Acting Governors In Display Of Power

Frustrated at the failure of Russia’s army to quickly defeat Ukraine and Western sanctions against Moscow, the Kremlin is making efforts to consolidate its grip on the regions. Russian President Vladimir Putin made his supporters acting governors of five regions while much is now said about eliminating popular regional elections across the country.

Iranian-Saudi Negotiations

Iranian-Saudi Negotiations

The fifth round of talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran took place in late April this year. Previous talks have focused mainly on issues concerning pilgrimage to Mecca and have been led by lower-level officials. The latest talks involve the foreign ministries of both countries, which indicates the willingness of both sides to bring “their own efforts” (without U.S. involvement) to resolve the most difficult conflicts in the region that pose a threat to their economies.

Saudi Arabia. 9.6% GDP Growth in Q1 2022

Saudi Arabia. 9.6% GDP Growth in Q1 2022

The government of Saudi Arabia (the world’s largest oil exporter) says preliminary estimates indicate that the country’s economy grew by 9.6% in Q1 2022, and if those estimates are confirmed, it will be the highest growth rate since 2011, according to the Saudi General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT).

Siemens Departs Russia Over War with Ukraine

Siemens Departs Russia Over War with Ukraine

Siemens stated this Thursday, that it will exit the Russian market, due to the war in Ukraine resulting in losses and charges, which led to lower profits during its fiscal second quarter, at its train-making business.

Biden will participate in the QUAD Summit in Japan

Biden will participate in the QUAD Summit in Japan

The summit of the states associated in the QUAD alliance is to be held on May 24, 2022. QUAD is a partnership between Australia, the United States, Japan and India with the unofficial goal of repelling Chinese expansion in the Indo-Pacific. The planned meeting of the leaders of the allied countries is an important item in the foreign policy of the Joe Biden administration in the context of growing tensions in the Indo-Pacific.
