Central Eastern Europe Innovators Summit

Central Eastern Europe Innovators Summit

The Polish economy, destroyed by communism, for years did not have suitable conditions to function on the basis of its own technology. Today, thanks to the fourth industrial revolution, Poland has a historical opportunity to build its own new brand in the world markets

Modern Patriotism

Modern Patriotism

What characterizes the most dynamic and often the richest economies in the world?

Modernizing Poland’s Armed Forces

Modernizing Poland’s Armed Forces

Poland is in the midst of a wide-ranging process of modernizing its armed forces, on which it will spend around $15 billion by 2022. In particular, much of these funds will be allocated to the purchase of equipment and technology from abroad.

Missing the Future

Missing the Future

Europe risks falling behind in developing the disruptive technologies of the future – not only behind the United States, but increasingly behind China and other Asian countries.

The Warsaw Uprising Museum

The Warsaw Uprising Museum

In its 12 years of operation, the Warsaw Uprising Museum has organized hundreds of concerts, lectures and workshops.

Analytics and Big Data in the Energy Sector

Analytics and Big Data in the Energy Sector

Tremendous advances in computer technology, huge storage capabilities, and fast communications in computer networks, enable the application of sophisticated statistical methods for knowledge discovery from within data warehouses.

Germany’s Inglorious Isolation

Germany’s Inglorious Isolation

The delicate position of Germany in the post–Cold War global order rested upon the art of diplomacy. Abiding by the warnings of Otto von Bismarck, German politicians sought for their country to have better relations with foreign powers than among themselves.
