Date: 17 August 2020

WI Daily News- Polish Foreign Minister met with US Secretary of State


During the meeting between Jacek Czaputowicz and Mike Pompeo at the Palace on the Isle in the Royal Łazienki Park, the Polish and US top diplomats discussed possibilities to advance cooperation in security and defence, as well as in the economy and energy sector.

Polish minister stated that Poland considers a strong transatlantic bond as key for the security of the continent and values the US political and military involvement in Europe, which is of strategic significance that the US is committed to strengthening NATO deterrence and defence capabilities, also on the eastern flank of the Alliance.

During the meeting, Minister Jacek Czaputowicz and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addressed joined projects, such as the US involvement in the Three Seas Initiative, the Warsaw Process, and cooperation in the International Religious Freedom Alliance. In Autumn this year, Warsaw will host the International Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief.

Minister Czaputowicz and Secretary of State Pompeo also spoke about the current situation following presidential election in Belarus.

TAGS: migration crisis, NATO, Belarus, Russia


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