Geopolitical Notebook: Honduras a Central American “Narco State”?

Geopolitical Notebook: Honduras a Central American “Narco State”?

The Polish foreign correspondent Richard Kapuscinski wrote The Soccer War chronicling how a soccer match sparked an armed border conflict. Today, the country is in the news for a different reason associated with drug trafficking at the highest levels. The country’s erstwhile president Juan Orlando Hernández was last week arrested on drug trafficking and faces prosecution and extradition to the US. On what charges? The former disgraced president was involved in “… a violent drug trafficking conspiracy” which involved the shipment of hundreds of tons of cocaine to the US. In return, Hernández received “millions of dollars in bribes and proceeds” according to the prosecutors’ indictment obtained by the Financial Times.

Ukraine under attack: How the West will react?

Ukraine under attack: How the West will react?

On the night of February 23-24, 2022, the Russian Federation attacked Ukraine. During this event, we will talk about the current situation in Ukraine and the prospects for the West’s reaction.

“The Future of European Integration” – summary report

“The Future of European Integration” – summary report

“The Future of European Integration” and “Digitization in the European Union” were two events in the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe, which is an opportunity for European citizens to debate on the bloc’s challenges and priorities. The event was held jointly by the Wacław Felczak Institute of Polish-Hungarian Cooperation and the Sobieski Institute while the Warsaw Institute provided media support. The online debate was attended by experts from Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland. The working language was English.

War In Donbas Is Most Likely Scenario

War In Donbas Is Most Likely Scenario

As shelling intensified in eastern Ukraine, Russia is accusing Ukraine of drafting an offensive plan and evacuating “civilians” from Donbas while it staging an “all-out mobilization” in what is known as “people’s republics,” a new chapter of the Russia-Ukraine war is just about to begin.

While In Moscow, Germany’s Scholz “Prompted” Putin To Invade Ukraine

While In Moscow, Germany’s Scholz “Prompted” Putin To Invade Ukraine

The trip that the German chancellor paid to Kyiv and Moscow failed to ease tensions in eastern Europe. In fact, Scholz made Zelensky a kind of disservice by agreeing with the Kremlin on the need to fulfill all commitments under the Minsk agreements and by claiming the Ukrainian president would be prepared for potential concessions. Vladimir Putin felt empowered to attack Ukraine and blame Kyiv for not having implemented what is known as the Minsk agreements.

Joe Biden’s stance towards the crisis in Ukraine – American Alert 2

Joe Biden’s stance towards the crisis in Ukraine – American Alert 2

On February 18, 2022, the event “Biden’s projection of weakness and the Ukraine Crisis” organized by the Warsaw Institute took place. This event was the second episode of a series of interviews for the American Alert project conducted by the editor-in-chief of the Warsaw Institute and an expert on the United States, Jan Hernik. During the meeting, the issue of the growing threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine and the actions of the administration of the President of the United States, Joe Biden in connection with the attempt to de-escalate the conflict, was raised. The special guest of the event was Prof. Clifford Angell Bates, political scientist of the University of Warsaw and Norwich University.

Enhanced Presence of the US Troops on NATO’s Eastern Flank

Enhanced Presence of the US Troops on NATO’s Eastern Flank

The soldiers of the 82nd US Airborne Division arrived at the Rzeszów–Jasionka Airport (southeastern Poland) in early February. American troops flew to Poland directly from the Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, onboard Boeing C-17 Globemaster III. This enhanced military presence on NATO’s eastern flank demonstrates the awakening of the American administration, led by President Joe Biden.

Cyberattacks in Ukraine Can Hit Europe and the US

Cyberattacks in Ukraine Can Hit Europe and the US

Experts assessing the geopolitical situation in eastern Europe have no doubt that Russia is planning an attack on Ukraine [1]. This is evidenced by Russia’s massive military build-up near the borders of Poland’s eastern neighbor. Thousands of soldiers, gathered under the pretext of military exercises, could launch an invasion at any time. This is evidenced by satellite images published for several weeks on a number of websites. However, the actions of the cyber forces, which Russia is likewise mobilizing in preparation for a potential conflict, remain less visible. Cybersecurity experts say that if Russia decides to invade Ukraine, it will undoubtedly use cyberattacks as a key part of its strategy. This took place already during the previous conflicts – in Georgia as well as Crimea (2016). If the cyberattacks get out of control, institutions that are not involved in the conflict, such as government agencies and private companies in the US, Poland, and elsewhere, could be affected too. Past events show that this is a very likely scenario.

Putin’s Nuclear Showcase Amid Possible Invasion Of Ukraine

Putin’s Nuclear Showcase Amid Possible Invasion Of Ukraine

Russia held its February 19 strategic nuclear drills to intimidate Western countries. Amid Russia’s planned invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin is warning the United States against getting involved in the conflict. The drills served also a propaganda purpose in Russia to add up to the war atmosphere and convince people around the country about Moscow’s military might and an alleged threat posed by Western nations.

EU Says It Is Ready For Possible Disruption Of Russian Gas Flows

EU Says It Is Ready For Possible Disruption Of Russian Gas Flows

The European Union would be able to cope with disruption to gas imports from Russia, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said. The top EU official said infrastructure development, by adding new pipelines and interconnectors, and individual contingency plans in recent years meant Europe was better equipped to increase deliveries of liquefied natural gas. One example is Spain that boosted its LNG supplies in recent months, which could serve as a role model for the entire bloc.

Polish President Andrzej Duda Met with Chinese Leader Xi Jinping in Beijing- Podcast

Polish President Andrzej Duda Met with Chinese Leader Xi Jinping in Beijing- Podcast

The Polish-Belarusian border crisis is definitely one of the most significant events of 2021, both in the European and international arena. Not only Lithuania (which is struggling with the same situation), but also important European players, such as Germany and France, the United States, as well as international organizations, for instance, NATO or the European Union, are already showing interest in the problem. According to political and media circles, China could play a significant part in solving this situation.

Russia Holds Naval Drills From The Arctic To Syria

Russia Holds Naval Drills From The Arctic To Syria

Russia is now seeing an array of drills that serve as a tool to pressure Ukraine and the West. What should arouse a particular interest is a navy exercise in the Black Sea. Its scale and flotilla, as the latter includes amphibious assault ships that sailed from the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, suggests that Russia’s military showcase could play its role in Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

Reasons for Sino-Indonesian cooperation

Reasons for Sino-Indonesian cooperation

Continuous relations between China and Indonesia can be seen as one of the most successful partnerships among Association of the South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states.

Polish President Andrzej Duda Met with Chinese Leader Xi Jinping in Beijing

Polish President Andrzej Duda Met with Chinese Leader Xi Jinping in Beijing

President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda attended the opening ceremony of the 24th Olympic Winter Games in Beijing on February 4, 2022. The highlight of the Polish President’s three-day visit to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was his meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Sunday, February 6.
