Romania’s Presidential Race Kicks Into Gear

Romania’s Presidential Race Kicks Into Gear

ROMANIA MONITOR Date: 8 August 2019 Romania’s Presidential Race Kicks Into Gear Even before the summer holidays, there was no candidate who wanted to compete with Romania’s currently serving president, Klaus Iohannis. Now, several politicians have declared their...
The Leader of The Romanian Ruling Party in Prison

The Leader of The Romanian Ruling Party in Prison

ROMANIA MONITOR Date: 28 May 2019 The Leader of The Romanian Ruling Party in Prison Liviu Dragnea – the leader of the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) may spend even three and a half years in prison. The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal and upheld its decision...
Dispute Over Ministers

Dispute Over Ministers

ROMANIA MONITOR Date: 8 December 2018 Dispute Over Ministers A serious dispute between the government and the president. The Social Democratic Party (PSD) accuses the head of state of blocking nominations to the posts of ministers of Transport and of Regional...
Changes in the Government and More

Changes in the Government and More

ROMANIA MONITOR Date: 23 November 2018 Changes in the Government and More The board of the Social Democratic Party decided on the personnel changes in the government. New leaders of eight ministries were introduced. But this is not the end of changes in the party...