Found in Translation Awards

Found in Translation Awards

The Polish Book Institute’s Found in Translation Award recognizes translators that built a bridge between Polish writers and English-speaking audiences to increase the international value of the Polish literary language.

Green Deal is a Bad Deal?

Green Deal is a Bad Deal?

Climate change is an undeniable scientific fact with profound implications for ecosystems, economies, and societies. As nations grapple with this challenge, the European Union has positioned itself as a global leader through its ambitious European Green Deal. But is this vision sustainable in practice?

Distraction and delegitimization: Disinformation as the ultimate means to frame a false bogeyman out of the democratic opposition

Distraction and delegitimization: Disinformation as the ultimate means to frame a false bogeyman out of the democratic opposition

The recent attacks on Michal Šimečka, leader of Progressive Slovakia party, highlight a disinformation campaign aimed at discrediting opposition, media, and civil society in Slovakia. By turning Šimečka into a scapegoat, the government distracts from its own missteps, using fabricated narratives to demonize dissent and suppress public scrutiny.

Modern Poland: Innovation and Community

Modern Poland: Innovation and Community

Poland is a country with a rich history and culture, deeply rooted in history, while also embracing innovation and modernity. Poland’s historical and cultural heritage has set the stage for many contemporary advancements, with the Polish community and diaspora playing a significant role in shaping the nation’s identity and contributing to global progress in music, the arts, science, education and technology.

Seen from the ground: The long-lasting military and geopolitical confrontation between Iran and Israel witnessed by a reporter in Lebanon and Syria

Seen from the ground: The long-lasting military and geopolitical confrontation between Iran and Israel witnessed by a reporter in Lebanon and Syria

After the pogroms of October 7, 2023 and the humiliation suffered on that occasion by Israeli intelligence, the Jewish state has launched a military and political campaign outside its borders to redraw the geopolitical balance throughout the region and eliminate what the Jewish authorities believe to be the main threats to their security.
