Date: 28 November 2019

Baltic Fund

The Baltic Fund is an initiative aimed at strengthening Poland’s cooperation with the Baltic States in terms of security, energy, economy and civil society.


The Baltic Fund is a new geopolitical project established on the initiative of the Warsaw Institute, in cooperation with the International Center for Defense and Security (Estonia), the Baltic Security Foundation (Latvia), the Eastern Europe Studies Center (Lithuania) and the Memel Institute (Lithuania). The signing of a joint declaration regarding the establishment of the Baltic Fund, developing its concept and presenting it to their governments by all five think tanks took place on 28 November 2019 during the conference “Nato Eastern Flank Security. Baltic States and Poland”.

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The aim of the Baltic Fund is to strengthen the partnership between Poland and the Baltic States, namely Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and in the longer term also the Nordic countries – Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The project proposes the establishment of a new institution with the same name, that would bring together Member States and provide a platform for international cooperation to support networking, scientific and analytical activities and bottom-up initiatives. Its thematic scope would cover issues related to security, energy, economy and civil society. With its own budget at its disposal, it could finance grants and scholarships for the academic community, analytical and scientific centers, schools and non-governmental organizations involved in projects related to the idea of Baltic Fund. Thus, the initiative aims to increase the social capital in a form of structural and interpersonal links, improving the image and awareness of the importance of the Baltic region in Europe and in the world, strengthening the sense of regional community and increasing security in the Baltic Sea basin.

On 12 February 2020 the Baltic Fund concept was presented to the authorities of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. We believe that this project may be of great significance for the region’s current geopolitical situation and for the prospects for the further development of the partnership in the region.


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