Maciej Tyburski


Press Inquiries


Visegrad Group, Polish-Indian relations, energy transition


Polish, English, Russian, Mandarin


Graduated in Public Diplomacy and Studies of the East with a Russian-Chinese specialisation at the University of Gdansk, Strategic Management at the Warsaw School of Economics, U.S. Political Institutions: Congress, Presidency, Courts, and Bureaucracy at HarvardX and the Századvég Summer School programme – Prospects for the V4 and the CEE region concerning the current challenges of the EU: migration, society, economy. Associated with the Warsaw Institute since 2018. He has gained professional experience in diplomacy, public administration, European Union institutions, think tanks and consulting. His main interests include cooperation among the Visegrad Group, Polish-Indian relations, and energy transition. He speaks English, Russian and Mandarin. Privately, a fan of running.

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