Date: 26 October 2020

Clock is Ticking for Lukashenko

Although clock is ticking for Lukashenko as there are only two days left behind People’s Ultimatum, the dictator plays unbothered visiting the Slutsk region visit fields, farms and pursue the planned “tastings.” In one of the meetings there he stated that the prices for the agricultural products will be rigorously controlled and declaring it the government’s task to distribute “vegetables” and “potatoes” in a way that will keep their prices stable in winter.

It has been reported that people did not want to attend Sunday’s pro-Lukashenko rally despite being offered 50-100 rubles (17-33 euro). On Friday morning the stages assembled in preparation for the pro-government gathering were dismounted. Later that day officials announced that the event would not take due to coronavirus. The rationale later transformed into protester safety and prevention of their “trampling each other.” The dictator said that he never favoured the idea even though, as he claimed, “a great many people – around 250,000-300,000” had been planning to come to Minsk on that occasion. An informal gathering of Lukashenko’s supporters took place on Saturday, though no more than twenty people participated.

At a meeting with students, Prosecutor General Andrei Shved told the audience that the government has enough resources to detect every single illegitimate act, adding that, if necessary, they could be expelled from the university within 24 hours. He official also recommended the youth which Telegram channels to follow. The following day Tsikhanouskaya held an online meeting with university students where their support for the People’s Ultimatum was discussed. She also expressed gratitude to the student community for active support in the fight for democracy.

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya addressed religious communities of Belarus with words of gratitude for sheltering protesters in churches. She named specific priests who had been punished for offering help to people fleeing from the violent police.

On Saturday afternoon, US State Secretary called Lukashenka and emphasized that the US supports the sovereignty of Belarus and sees prospects for the development of cooperation between the two countries. This is the first time Lukashenko answered a call from the West.

All texts published by the Warsaw Institute Foundation may be disseminated on the condition that their origin is credited. Images may not be used without permission.

TAGS: migration crisis, NATO, Belarus, Russia


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