The Greenhill Approach and the Taxology of Instrumentalized Migration in the Belarusian Migration Crisis

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EU-China relations in the aftermath of Russian invasion on Ukraine

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The Lebanese Economy and the Aftermath of October 7

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Poland and the West Amidst Internal Security Challenges

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Trafficking in Persons: Causes and Effects on the International Community

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Russia Monitor Monthly 11/23
Ukrainians Celebrate Christmas on December 25 for the First Time

Ukrainians Celebrate Christmas on December 25 for the First Time

Ukrainian Orthodox Christians attended services as the country for the first time celebrated Christmas on December 25, after the government changed the date from January 7, when most Orthodox believers celebrate. Shifting the date from January 7 to December 25 is seen as another symbol of breaking away from Moscow, signifying the nation’s intent for lasting cultural ties with the West.

Ukraine Is Waiting For First Batch of F-16

Ukraine Is Waiting For First Batch of F-16

As 2024 approaches, the anticipation of the arrival of the first F-16 multirole fighters grows. The Kyiv government believes that Western jets will aid in securing air superiority and boosting morale, particularly following the setback of an unsuccessful counteroffensive.

Republicans in the Senate Voted to Block Aid Package for Ukraine

Republicans in the Senate Voted to Block Aid Package for Ukraine

On Wednesday, December 7, Republicans in the Senate voted to block an emergency spending bill that would have provided assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and other measures relevant to security. This represents another chapter in the deepening American domestic divide, a factor that could ultimately shape the fate of Ukraine.

Analytical articles
The Polish-Belarusian Border: Russian and Belarusian Narratives

The Polish-Belarusian Border: Russian and Belarusian Narratives

In today’s geopolitical landscape, Poland is engaged in ongoing hybrid warfare with the Russian Federation. This kind of offensive operation is a cornerstone tactic for Vladimir Putin, involving spreading disinformation about the border situation and manipulating it to fit the pro-Kremlin policy and narrative.

What is Italy’s interest and involvement in the Three Seas region?

What is Italy’s interest and involvement in the Three Seas region?

The Three Seas Initiative focuses its activities on the Central and Eastern European region, however the projects proposed may include the participation of not only the 13 members of the Initiative. Often other European countries are involved and can benefit from activities promoted by the Three Seas Initiative.

Special Reports
The Lebanese Economy and the Aftermath of October 7

The Lebanese Economy and the Aftermath of October 7

The multidimensional poverty rate has nearly doubled from 42% in 2019, to 82% in 2021, leaving people in Lebanon grappling with the realities of food insecurity, unemployement and deteriorating living conditions…



