Date: 4 June 2020
Summary: Hong Kong – the people’s revolution against the Party
On 3rd June 2020 the editorial office of The Warsaw Insitute Review in cooperation with the Warsaw Institute Foundation organized an online event “Hong Kong – the people’s revolution against the Party”. The topic of the debate were the ongoing protests in Hong Kong that have been happening since June 2019, which began in connection with the extradition law to the People’s Republic of China.
The meeting was hosted by Michał Oleksiejuk, and his guests were Minister Anna Fotyga (former Foreign Minister of Poland and currently MEP) and Benedict Rogers (president of the Hong Kong Watch organization).
In response to the first question about the origins of unrest, Minister Fotyga spoke about China’s policy towards Hong Kong, as well as Taiwan. She compared the actions of the current authorities of People’s Republic of China to the decisions of their predecessors. In her speech, she also raised the issue of the European Union’s attitude towards the events
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Benedict Rogers, in his turn, emphasized that communist China is a threat to international security. He also reminded viewers that the current unrests are not the first ones, because six years ago the so-called umbrella protests took place. He also raised an extremely important issue of attempts to change the status of Hong Kong, which according to the accords remains a so-called special administrative region with a separate system from China until 2047, when it is to be fully integrated into the People’s Republic of China. At the end of this part, he also spoke about international and non-governmental organizations working against human rights violations by the PRC.
We invite you to watch the entire event on our YouTube channel!
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