Date: 22 December 2019

Russian Oil Producer Rosneft Reshuffles Management

Russia’s most prominent oil firm has seen a series of personnel shake-up, a move that hints the company’s plans to strengthen its exploration and production divisions. These may also refer to Rosneft’s new gas plans.


Rosneft’s First Vice President Eric Liron, who earlier had been in charge of production division, was appointed Vice President for In-House Services. Liron, who is a leading expert in service drilling, will help Rosneft to significantly strengthen its in-house service unit and improve the efficiency of production processes, the oil firm said in a press release. Rosneft’s Vice President for Offshore Projects, Zeljko Runje, became the company’s First Vice President for Oil, Gas, and Offshore Business Development. Andrey Polyakov has been appointed Vice President and Chief Geologist. Andrey Lazeev, who previously had held this position, has been named General Director of a Rosneft subsidiary, Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha. Alexey Artemyev, an employee of the HR Department since 2012, has been appointed Vice President for HR and Social Policy. Yuri Kalinin, who before had been in charge of Rosneft’s HR Department, taken another yet unspecified position in the company’s operations and is now supervising what was named as the firm’s “veteran organizations.”

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Rosneft’s personnel reshuffles show the firm’s intention to boost oil output while corroborating its ever-growing gas ambitions. The Russian state company seeks to become a top player on the global LNG market. In 2020, it will start trading liquefied natural gas through a Swiss trading arm, Rosneft Trading. Igor Sechin’s new brave plans are linked to South America, with Rosneft’s cooperation with Venezuela and helping the Maduro regime through oil trade and financing. Rosneft got two gas concessions off Venezuela’s coast where it enjoys huge tax incentives. Importantly, both gas fields are located roughly 100 kilometers off Trinidad and Tobago and the country’s liquefied natural gas terminals. This is where the Russian gas firm could ship its gas volumes extracted on the bottom of the Caribbean Sea.


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