Baltic Rim Monitor Articles
The frosty NATO – Northern Europe cooperation

The frosty NATO – Northern Europe cooperation

The security policies of Sweden and Finland are frequently considered as identical and are put in one pot. This simplification is symbolised by the stress on the northern non-alignment, which is frequently being confused with the Cold War neutrality. In truth, there are many real differences in the policies of Sweden and Finland. Both at the governmental and the social level, there are differences in the approach to the military challenges in the Baltic Sea and to the potential NATO membership.

Kaliningrad’s military potential a tool for psychological warfare

Kaliningrad’s military potential a tool for psychological warfare

In the recent years, an intensive militarization of Kaliningrad Oblast is one of the most important challenges of NATO’s eastern flank. Missile systems forming Anti-Access/ Area Denial (AD/A2) are hypothetically able to block the allies from NATO the access to eastern European field of action. Whereas mobile Iskander – M systems which are capable of carrying nuclear warheads may easily reach coast of Sweden or the capital of Poland. Regardless of the potential of Kaliningrad Oblast, such reoccurring information is an element of Russian psychological warfare.

Latvian forces arrest Russian agent of influence

Latvian forces arrest Russian agent of influence

On April 20, Latvian security police detained Aleksandr Gaponenko – an ultra-radical, pro-Russian political activist. He was the founder and the leader of several pro-Russian organizations operating under cover as organizations defending the rights of Russian speakers and the President of the “Institute for European Studies”.
