Date: 21 February 2020

New analytical program – China Monitor

The Warsaw Institute think tank presents a new analytical program regarding the People’s Republic of China. China Monitor provides analytical perspectives on China’s economic and foreign policy, helping to understand the decisions of the Chinese authorities and to adopt adequate measures. The thematic scope is not confined to China’s domestic affairs or US-China relations, but it also includes the impact of the trade war and technological competition (5G, AI, chips) on the global economy, Europe, CEE and Poland in particular.

The authors focus on the following areas:

• China’s economic situation and its meaning for the global economy, including an analysis of US-Chinese rivalry
• Development of offensive capabilities by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), its implications for the regional stability and the US-China balance of power
• Foreign policy strategies and approaches to relevant actors and relations (US, Russia, EU, Japan, ASEAN, CEE, Latin America, Africa)
• Technological transformation of the Chinese economy, including advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G and high-tech industries
• Domestic affairs (pro-democracy movements, environmental and health issues, demographics) relevant for the power dynamics and the Party politics
• China’s relation with the CEE countries with particular emphasis on China-Poland links

The US and China are the world’s leading powers that exert an unparalleled impact on the world’s politics and economy. Washington and Beijing are striving to preserve and expand their respective spheres of influence, generating conflict of interests and significant structural pressures in the international system. The Chinese leadership is pursuing intensified engagement with the US allies to reduce the American impact on European affairs and advance Beijing’s agenda in areas like trade, investments, and 5G. Analogical processes are taking place in almost every region of the world, including those insofar largely neglected such as Latin America, Africa, and Central Asia. China is also making substantial efforts to form a group of states effectively defying American dominance, which includes Russia, Iran, and other authoritarian regimes worldwide.

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The tensions between Beijing and Washington have their source not only in conflicting material interests but also in axiological and normative factors. The US and China represent two strikingly different political systems: liberal democracy and authoritarian regime with neototalitarian tendencies. These two opposing modes of government are immanently linked with divergent perspectives on human rights and the world order, making the Sino-American competition the genuine clash of civilizations.

The PRC’s post-1978 spectacular economic and military reemergence had profoundly changed the global strategic landscape constituting one of the most significant dynamics of the 21st century. With the relative erosion of the West and the American leadership being challenged in numerous fields, China and the US have entered the period of strategic competition that is likely to dominate the first half of the 21st century. The outcome of this confrontation will to a large extent determine the nature of the evolving international order.


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Given the economic, political, and military weight of each power, the consequences of this engagement will be felt by other international actors whether they like it or not. It is, therefore, crucial to gain in-depth knowledge about decisive events and processes taking place in the Middle Kingdom.



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