Date: 22 March 2022 Author: Wojciech Adamczyk
Foreign policy of Poland and the Czech Republic towards Russia
The debate was devoted to the foreign policy of Poland and the Czech Republic towards Russia and it was organized thanks to public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”. ?? ??

The expert discussion moderated by Adam Sybera with the participation of senior EVC analyst David Stulík and Polish political scientist Piotr Bajda on the subject of “Foreign policy of the Republic of Poland and the Czech Republic towards Russia – differences and similarities” had several main conclusions:
1. Russia’s main goal remains the destruction of democratic Ukraine. The Kremlin understands that whatever the outcome, the war will affect European democracies. The refugee crisis continues and will reach unprecedented proportions, while economic and energy crises are looming in Europe.
2. There is already a sharp increase in the spread of Russian disinformation and propaganda. As coverage of the invasion shifts from coverage of events on the ground to coverage of the aftermath of the war, Russia and its foreign agents (essentially puppet governments in democratic societies) are working extremely hard to perfect long-standing narratives that challenge public consensus on specific issues that constitute the most serious weakness. European countries such as immigration, energy dependency and increased support for so-called “traditional values”.
3. Especially in countries with strong cultural and religious links to Russia, foreign agents (e.g. political parties, local media, think tanks and NGOs) promote the Russian version of current events in order to discredit multilateral institutions such as NATO and the EU and present Russia as the only defender of “traditional” European values.
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