Date: 1 September 2021
Event Summary: New York and Building Safety. What Can We Learn from the World’s Most famous city?
The Guardian Angels have branches in thirteen countries and over a hundred cities. While the original group of thirteen in his hometown has grown to thousands around the world, the mission has not changed: make a positive difference to the community by engaging our community members to take a step forward and play an active role. The creator of this group and a candidate for the mayor of New York is Curtis Śliwa, a guest of the Warsaw Institute.
The main points of the discussion were such topics as:
– Was New York in the late 1970s really the modern equivalent of the Wild West?
– What happened to politics in New York, city and national security and the USA in general?
– What are the forms of joint action in New York and beyond?
– What can civil society, patriotic organizations and Americans do today to regain control of their country in terms of national and state security and long-term economic prosperity?
We encourage you to watch the full conversation!
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