Date: 26 September 2020

State TV hacked by cyber-partisans

In response to the EU’s announcement to impose sanctions on Belarus, the Belarusian Foreign Minister – Vladimir Makei, said that these sanctions would be “nothing but attempts to bring chaos and anarchy to [their] country to make Belarus lose many years of development.” Moreover, in a speech recorded for the UN General Assembly, Makey said that “Interference in our internal affairs, (…) are harmful for absolutely everyone.” The UK has been collaborating closely with the US and Canada on sanctioning top Belarusian officials.
The internet broadcast of news by the state TV channels “Belarus 1” and “ONT” was interrupted by a group of cyber-partisans. In place of an interview with the Minister of Health – Dmitry Pinevich, hackers aired drastic recordings of the militia brutally pacifying the protesters. Shortly after the start of the attack, the TV stations completely stopped broadcasting. A group of hackers, who admitted to the attack on the website, announced that “If Belteleradiocompany does not want to show people the truth, [they] will show it.”
Meanwhile, during the seventh, though equally attended weekend of protests, Nina Baginskaya – a 73-year-old women who had become an icon of frustrated Belarusians, was arrested. In Sunday protests attended by more than 100,000 Belarusians, at least 50 people were detained in Minsk alone. Furthermore, more than 150 people gathered outside Belarusian Embassy in Moscow, of which seven were arrested.

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