China and Africa – “marriage of convenience”?

China and Africa – “marriage of convenience”?

CHINA MONITOR Date: 20 April 2020 Author: Paweł Paszak China and Africa – “marriage of convenience”? In the first half of April, recordings of immigrants from Africa camping on the streets of Guangzhou, who were to be evicted, tested and quarantined, were...
The Chinese “window of opportunity” in Serbia

The Chinese “window of opportunity” in Serbia

CHINA MONITOR Date: 18 April 2020 Author: Paweł Paszak The Chinese “window of opportunity” in Serbia Since Aleksandar Vučić became President in 2017, bilateral contacts with the PRC have clearly intensified, resulting in a number of joint projects and infrastructure...
The Chinese display of power near Taiwan

The Chinese display of power near Taiwan

CHINA MONITOR Date: 14 April 2020 Author: Łukasz Kobierski The Chinese display of power near Taiwan Recently, the Chinese Navy (PLAN – People’s Liberation Army Navy), has been demonstrating its strength in the waters to which it claims the right. On Sunday, April 12,...
National mourning in China

National mourning in China

CHINA MONITOR Date: 7 April 2020 Author: Łukasz Kobierski National mourning in China This year, on April 4, during the Chinese day of the dead (Qingmingjie (清明节)), national mourning was established in honour of thousands of people who died in the coronavirus pandemic....
Is it time for “decoupling”?

Is it time for “decoupling”?

CHINA MONITOR Date: 2 April 2020 Author: Paweł Paszak Is it time for “decoupling”? Since the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidency, the debate on economic decoupling began to intensify. In Washington, a view emerged that globalisation favours the PRC’s growing...
China’s “corona” scam

China’s “corona” scam

CHINA MONITOR Date: 2 April 2020 Author: Łukasz Kobierski China’s “corona” scam According to reports of the US officials in the media, a secret report of the American intelligence service for the White House includes information that China is hiding the scale of the...