Date: 29 March 2018

25-27.04.2018 – Challenges in strategic communication and fighting propaganda

Warsaw Institute will take part in the Advanced Research Workshop focused on ‘Challenges in strategic communication and fighting propaganda in Eastern Europe. Solutions for a future common project’, organized by the Center for Civic Participation and Democracy (CPD) from SNSPA (Romania) and Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) of Moldova, with support from the NATO Science for Peace and Security Program, in Chisinau (Republic of Moldova).

source: NATO.INT

The Workshop will focus on the strategic perspective and the practical insight necessary in dealing with hybrid threats, fighting propaganda and planning advanced strategic communication in Eastern Europe, looking for solutions in a complicated regional landscape.

The workshop intends to define appropriate measures and tools to identify and counter existing threats, alleviate their communication channels and possible impact on Moldova and other Eastern European countries.The Workshop aims to bring together institutional, academic and civic actors, from Europe and the US, with advanced expertise in social sciences, journalism, computer science and international relations, in order to shape a new project, with a common methodology, to monitor, collect, process and interpret reliable data on strategic communication, and thus enable the devising of efficient instruments to counteract anti-Western propaganda.

The key agenda of the Workshop will address the regional and international experience in tracking hostile narratives, evaluating public agenda and the relationship with public participation, identifying new tools in open source tracking and integrating the results in one mechanism or methodology.


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