Economics, geoeconomics, History, culture of Central and Eastern Europe
Polish, English, Czech, Russian, Ukrainian, French, Spanish
Mariusz Patey is a graduate of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw. A journalist specializing in the issues of the Intermarium economy and energy security. Former advisor to the Lubuskie Voivode, former member of supervisory boards of commercial companies related to transport, IT solutions for transport.
Green Deal is a Bad Deal?
Climate change is an undeniable scientific fact with profound implications for ecosystems, economies, and societies. As nations grapple with this challenge, the European Union has positioned itself as a global leader through its ambitious European Green Deal. But is this vision sustainable in practice?
Zielony Ład: Krok ku lepszemu?
Zmiany klimatyczne to fakt potwierdzony naukowo, zaś ich następstwa niosą ze sobą poważne konsekwencje dla ekosystemów, gospodarek państw oraz ludności. Obecnie kraje na całym świecie podejmują szereg działań mitygacyjnych, a prym w tym zakresie wiedzie Unia Europejska, głównie za sprawą Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu, czyli pakietu inicjatyw politycznych, które mają skierować Unię Europejską na drogę transformacji ekologicznej i w ostatecznym rozrachunku osiągnąć neutralność klimatyczną. Jednak czy nowa polityka unijna ma sens w praktyce?
Awaiting the New Republican Order: Seizing Power in Times of Turmoil
With Donald Trump’s electoral victory, Republicans are poised to renew their bid to reshape the nation’s political and social elite.
Three Seas Partnership Special Report
The Three Seas Partnership Project is a strategic initiative aimed at fostering cooperation among institutions and experts from the Three Seas countries, with a focus on enhancing collaboration between the nations of Central and Eastern Europe.
The Dynamics of contemporary Czech-Polish Relations
Czech-Polish relations are a key element of regional policy in Central Europe, not only from the perspective of bilateral cooperation, but also in the context of broader cooperation within the Visegrad Group (V4) and the European Union.
Meloni’s Italy presidency at the G7 – a rebirth of Western unity?
The first two years of the Italian prime minister’s rule were largely devoted to activity in the international arena. Meloni is trying to present herself as a stable, reliable and independent partner to both her own citizens and other governments, ending the era of chaos and frequent collapses of subsequent cabinets.
Exploring the Unknown: The Life and Legacy of Paweł Edmund Strzelecki
Paweł Edmund Strzelecki stands as one of the most distinguished explorers and researchers of the 19th century. Although his name is less celebrated in Poland than in Australia or Ireland, his legacy ranks alongside the monumental achievements of Alexander von Humboldt and Charles Darwin.
Adam Wodziczko: A Polish Trailblazer in Nature Conservation
Adam Wodziczko is a distinguished figure whose contributions to Polish science, environmental conservation, and ecological awareness merit exceptional recognition.
The Podkarpacie Region: A Tapestry of History and Cultural Heritage
One of the key factors defining the region’s significance is its rich historical and cultural heritage. Towns, cities, and provinces alike are defined by their singular histories, enduring traditions, and prominent local heroes. The idea of cultural heritage is marked by its complexity and diversity of interpretations.
Russian Disinformation and its Influence on the Energy Sector in V4 Countries
The energy sector is the main common component of the security policy of the Visegrád Group (V4) countries. For years, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary relied heavily on the import of Russian gas and oil.