Date: 5 February 2024 Author: Pieter Cleppe


,,Heated debate” report by Pieter Cleppe is available for you.
Read the full report below

In a firm sign of defense of Israel, the German govern- ment has “firmly and expressly” rejected allegations that Israel would be committing “genocide” in Gaza, after South Africa charged it with violations of the UN Genocide Convention. Germany, which announced that it will intervene in the case submitted to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), thereby warned against “political instrumentalisation” of the charge.

The task is financed by the National Institute of Freedom – Center for Civil Society Development under the Government Program for the Development for Civic Organizations PROO1a for 2018-2030.

All texts published by the Warsaw Institute Foundation may be disseminated on the condition that their origin is credited. Images may not be used without permission.

TAGS: Włochy, Inicjatywa Trójmorza, Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia, wzajemne połączenia


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