Germany – Russia. Cold Is in the Air.

Germany – Russia. Cold Is in the Air.

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 9 May 2017 Germany – Russia. Cold Is in the Air. The closer to German elections, the stronger tension in Berlin – Moscow relations. The Germans expect Russian interference with their politics, so they get proactive. On the one hand, their...
Will the Regime Get Rid of Navalny?

Will the Regime Get Rid of Navalny?

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 7 May 2017 Will the Regime Get Rid of Navalny? There are indications that after many years of ban imposed by Russian authorities, Alexei Navalny will finally be able to travel abroad. When the opposition activist obtained a passport, he applied...
Gazprom Revenues Drop

Gazprom Revenues Drop

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 6 May 2017 Gazprom Revenues Drop The Russian monopolist hit records in gas sales on the so-called “far abroad” markets (this term is used in Gazprom nomenclature for Turkey and the EU, except for the three Baltic states). Yet this doesn’t at all...