Date: 6 December 2021
Western Balkans Summit 2021
On December 4, 2021, the Western Balkans Summit 2021 was organized by New Direction, the Warsaw Institute had the pleasure to patronize the event. Western Balkans Summit 2021 was organized in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.

Western Balkans Summit consisted of 3 expert panels. More than 20 experts took the floor at the Western Balkans Summit 2021. The topics of the talks focused on the title Balkans. Among many specialists, incl. from Poland, there is Tomasz Grzywaczewski, an expert of the Warsaw Institute. Detailed information on the topics of the panels and the names of the panelists are provided below.
Panel I: The EU Enlargement process of the Western Balkans and the way forward
The Western Balkan countries, geopolitically and historically, belong to Europe and their accession to the European Union is natural process that will make the Union complete. Years after the first countries applied for membership to the Union, the accession process is at stall. Negotiations are underway only with Serbia and Montenegro, however, with no new negotiating chapters being opened or closed recently. For Albania and North Macedonia, the official negotiations are at hold due to unresolved bilateral issues between North Macedonia and Bulgaria. In addition, there are constant tensions between Kosovo and Serbia that undermine the dialogue between the two countries, a precondition for both to move forward on their path to the Union.
- Emilija Redžepi; Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo for Minority Issues and Human Rights (NDS-KS)
- Tanja Miščević; Deputy Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RS)
- Ladislav Ilčić; MEP, HRAST – Movement for Successful Croatia (ECR-HR)
- Ferenc Németh; Research Fellow at Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (HU)
- Anton Panchev; Asst. Prof. Department of Balkan Studies, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (BG)
- Lars Patrick Berg; MEP, Liberal Conservative Reformers (ECR-DE)
- Moderator: Angel Dzhambazki; MEP, VMRO-BND (ECR-BG)
Panel II: Security, Migration and Foreign Interference in the Western Balkans
At the geographic and political cross-roads of Europe, the Western Balkans is risk of the hostile influence of autocratic powers such as Russia, China, Iran, and others. The region is also prone to migratory pressure from outside Europe that further undermines the security in the region. The European Union and the United States, long champions of the democratic will of the region’s citizens, find themselves supporting a population under constant threat in Economic, Political, Social, and Informational spheres of life. Being at the doorstep to the European Union, any instability and threat to security in the Western Balkans, as well as foreign interference, have negative spill over effects in the Union
- Paweł Śliwiński; Team Leader Western Balkans and Turkey, International Cooperation Unit, Frontex – European Border and Coast Guard Agency (PL)
- Tomasz Grzywaczewski; journalist, writer, analyst of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw Institute (PL)
- Julianna Ármás; Research Fellow at Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (HU)
- Martin Sokolov; Geopolitical Expert; Centre for National Security and Defence Research – BAS (BG)
- Drizan Shala; National Security Expert, Institute for the Rapprochement of Inter-Ethnic Relations in Kosovo (KS)
- Konrad Pawłowski; Head of the Balkan Department at the Institute of Central Europe in Lublin (PL)
- Moderator: Anna Fotyga; MEP, Law and Justice (ECR-PL)
Keynote Speech:
- Maria Koleva; Deputy Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel; European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
Panel III: Future of the Western Balkans: A Young Political Leader’s Roundtable
With continued challenges of emigration and brain-drain, talent-management and the empowerment of a future generation of leaders is essential for the success of the Western Balkan countries. This panel will bring together young political leaders in the Western Balkans to discuss current challenges facing the region, and their visions for the future direction.
- Malik Sakić; President of European Democracy Youth Network (BA)
- Marko Milanović Litre; MP, Croatian Conservative Party (ECR-HR)
- Dorilda Kaçuli; Ambassador of European Democracy Youth Network in Albania (AL)
- Rilind Dauti; Political Scientist, PhD candidate at South East European University (MK)
- Đorđija Kovačević; Ambassador of European Democracy Youth Network in Montenegro (MN)
- Saška Radujkov; Member of European Democracy Youth Network in Serbia (RS)
- Gjorgi Tasev – Ambassador of European Democracy Youth Network in the Republic of North Macedonia.
Closing remarks of the New Direction Western Balkans Summit
- Angel Dzhambazki MEP, Vice President of New Direction Foundation
Link to the full event:
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