Putin forever? The operation has started

Putin forever? The operation has started

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 23 April 2018 Putin forever? The operation has started According to the current constitution Vladimir Putin is to leave the Kremlin in 2024. If he wants to govern after that time, as everything suggests, he will have to change the law. Either by...
Putin and Kadyrov. Together in life and death

Putin and Kadyrov. Together in life and death

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 29 November 2017 Putin and Kadyrov. Together in life and death Ramzan Kadyrov’s most recent declaration about his dream of leaving the office of the Chechen President has caused a political firestorm in Russia and abroad. This was just a...
Russian Mercenaries in Syria

Russian Mercenaries in Syria

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 22 April 2017 Russian Mercenaries in Syria It has been known for a long time that Bashar al-Assad has huge problems in replenishing losses in his troops. The government forces are too lean to conduct large offensive operations in various Syrian...