Nord Stream 2. Shareholders More and More Irritated

Nord Stream 2. Shareholders More and More Irritated

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 26 September 2017 Nord Stream 2. Shareholders More and More Irritated Today, among the biggest obstacles to the Nord Stream 2 project, one can distinguish sanctions adopted by the American Congress, the growing opposition of Brussels and the...
Medvedev Under Fire

Medvedev Under Fire

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 27 April 2017 Medvedev Under Fire The pressure on Vladimir Putin to dismiss his chief of government is mounting. The poll by Levada Center, released on April 26, shows a growing dissatisfaction of Russians with their prime minister. As much as 45%...
Is Someone Behind Navalny?

Is Someone Behind Navalny?

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 27 April 2017 Is Someone Behind Navalny? On April 25, Alexei Navalny presented more evidence of prime minister’s corruption. This has been yet another blow at Dmitry Medvedev from the well known anti-corruption blogger, currently considered as a...
Electoral Intrigue

Electoral Intrigue

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 24 April 2017 Electoral Intrigue Presidential elections in Russia have been scheduled for March 2018. Vladimir Putin hasn’t declared yet whether he will participate. Thus it’s not surprising that each mention of the topic by Putin elicits a strong...