by tool | Mar 3, 2020 | RMM EN 03/2020, Russia Monitor
RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 3 March 2020 War or Peace? Erdogan Flies to Moscow for Syria Talks When it became clear that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will head to Moscow, as Putin has no plan to visit Istanbul, and the Ankara-sought meeting will not involve German...
by tool | Mar 3, 2020 | RMM EN 03/2020, Russia Monitor
RUSSIA MONITOR Data: 3 March 2020 Russia Launches Syrian Express Operation as Turkey Attacks in Idlib As earlier announced, Ankara pressed ahead with a military campaign in Syria’s Idlib province. In late February, there expired a deadline given by Turkish...
by tool | Mar 2, 2020 | RMM EN 03/2020, Russia Monitor
RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 2 March 2020 Russia Forms Anti-Turkish Coalition Over War in Syria The spat in Russia-Turkey ties over the Idlib offensive may lead to a severe breakdown in cooperation between these two countries. As it stands now, it is yet difficult to...
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