Date: 14 June 2018

Századvég Summer School

Warsaw Institute Foundation recruits candidates for international project hosted in Hungary: “Századvég Summer School – Prospects for the V4 and the CEE region concerning the current challenges of the EU: migration, society, economy.”

We proudly announce, that the Századvég Foundation invited us to co-host their project of Summer School for students. Workshops will take place in Hungary (Budapest, Visegrád, Somlóvásárhely) between the 9th and the 14th of July. We expect your applications until June 27th.


The project “Századvég Summer School – Prospects for the V4 and the CEE region concerning the current challenges of the EU: migration, society, economy” covers a seven-day long summer school program based in Budapest, Visegrád and Somlóvásárhely. The program is organized by the Századvég Foundation and sponsored by the Visegrad Fund.
The aim of the project is to bring together potential future leaders from Central and Eastern Europe and initiate intellectual cooperation among them on topics like the future of the Visegrad Group and of the broader CEE region, migration and the economic role of CEE.


The candidate we seek for, shall fit in these criteria

  • Study in Social Sciences;
  • At least 3 academic semesters completed;
  • Excellent academic record;
  • Proven interest in public policy and international affairs;
  • Fluency in English (the program will be held in English, translation is not provided).

Dear candidates, please send your applications at [email protected] until June 27th, please do attach CV and a cover letter in English.


Please note that cost of travel expenses up to €150 will be refunded by the organizer after the Századvég Summer School terminates. More information about the refund process will be provided in the confirmation letter of participation.
Cost of accommodation, three meals a day and transfer to each program is provided.

Additional Information

We will conduct interviews with selected candidates to prove the qualifications. The Warsaw Institute Foundation claims the right to refuse the application without explanation.

About Századvég

The Századvég Foundation was established in 1993 as the first conservative political think tank in Hungary. It has been conducting public opinion research, political and social analysis for 25 years now. Századvég’s research-based policy studies cover the widest range of policy areas such as economic policy, foreign and security policy, demography, youth and family policy issues. The Foundation also conducts important sociology research projects, filling decade long gaps of research, to reveal the deep structures within the subsystems of European and Hungarian society.



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