PROGRAMS / Ukraine Monitor

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Ukraine has become the area of conflict of interest. Lying between the European Union and Russia, is influenced both by the West and the East. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union it poses a unique case in Europe, if not in the whole world of a country which struggles to build its independence, create its national identity and civil society. Ukrainians are currently fighting on several fronts: in the east with Russia for borders and independence; in the economy and state structures – with communistic past, corruption and other own weaknesses. In Europe they have allies and friends but also competitors and foes.

Moreover, the ongoing military conflict in the east of Ukraine, on the EU border and NATO’s area of influence, presents a challenge for peace in Europe. In such a dynamic and complicated situation only thanks to reliable and up-to-date analyses it will be possible to fully comprehend current events in Ukraine. Without a proper understanding of Ukraine, it will not be possible to analyze the events of Central and Eastern Europe properly.

Ukraine Monitor is dedicated to experts from different areas, to these who deal with Ukraine and its relations with the world on a daily basis and also to people who want to become acquainted with Ukraine and its unique struggle in search for own future.

Analyses within Ukraine Monitor aim to:

  • Present current events in Ukraine in easily accessible way;
  • Anticipate political, social and economic developments;
  • Attempt to put an interpretation on internal relationships and deals;
  • Assess threats resulting from tense situation in the international area;
  • Discover chances which are created by the political turn to the West.

The program was co-financed (in the period of 05.2018-12.2019) from the funds of the Civic Initiatives Fund Program 2018.


Financed by the National Institute of Freedom – Center for the Development of Civil Society under the Government Program for the Development of Civic Organizations for 2018-2030