Date: 31 January 2022  Author: Grzegorz Kuczyński

How Much Is It For Gazprom To Transit Gas Through Belarus?

Russian state-run gas company Gazprom informed about the cost of gas transit through Belarus, which is a tenth of the revenue from gas deliveries to consumers across Belarus.


According to a press release, Gazprom and its subsidiary Gazprom Transgaz Belarus concluded a pair of annexes to the contract for gas supplies to Belarus and its transit through the country. They extended some contracts in force by 2022 and specified the price formula for Belarus. “The estimated cost of gas supplies in 2022 stands at $2.44 billion,” the statement from Gazprom read. The total cost of natural gas transport through Belarus is estimated at $250 million in 2022. The protocol between Belarus’s government and Russia’s Gazprom regarding natural gas supplies in 2022 was officially signed in December 2021. As the Belarusian Ministry of Energy disclosed then, the price for Belarus was set at “practically the same” level as in 2021, when Russian gas was being delivered to the country for $128.52 per thousand cubic meters. Last July, presidents of Russia and Belarus Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko agreed on the gas price for Belarus. “It was decided that the gas price for Belarus in 2022 will not be adjusted upward, and will remain at the level of 2021,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists. Meanwhile, made no booking of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline transit capacity to ship gas westward. Poland has in recent weeks received gas through reverse flow from Germany.

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