Date: 30 March 2023 Author: Grzegorz Kuczyński

How Long Will Russia-Ukraine War Last?

Russia is ready to continue the war in Ukraine for another two years, the chief of Ukraine’s military intelligence said, adding sanctions could make put an end to the war earlier than expected. A similar forecast had been delivered by Lithuania’s military intelligence outlet.


Vadym Skibitsky, Ukraine’s deputy intelligence chief, said Russia could wage a conventional war until 2023 and possibly further into 2024. “If the sanctions are followed, then the enemy will have more modest resources to continue the way,” he added. Russia is struggling to replenish its stockpiles of missiles and is rushing both Soviet-era and new munitions from the production line into use in the war. According to the Ukrainian military intelligence agency, Russia is also struggling to manufacture new weapons as it lacks foreign components, while weapons Moscow imports from Iran, Belarus, or China are of little help to Russian forces. Ukraine estimates that Russia has had some 200 Iranian-made Shahed drones so far in the war it received in 2022 and 2023. But the Russians are reducing the number of drone attacks, which means they are facing some shortages. In an annual security threat assessment, Colonel Elegijus Paulavičius, director of the Second Investigation Department under the Lithuanian Defense Ministry, agreed that the resources available to Russia today would be sufficient to wage a war of the same intensity for another two years. The official added that Russia would have enough resources including military equipment, weapons, and munitions. He also stated that whether Putin can wage his war against Ukraine depends on whether it looks to countries such as Iran or North Korea for weapons and munitions to fuel the war. The Ukrainian military intelligence agency takes a different view, though. Its officials claim military support to Russia––also if increased––is insufficient for Russia to carry on with its invasion of Ukraine.

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