Russia Monitor is a review of the most important events related to Russian internal and external security, as well as its foreign policies.
Date: 28 February 2023 Author: Grzegorz Kuczyński
Belarus, Gazprom Sign Gas Supply Deal
Belarus’ Ministry of Energy signed a protocol with Gazprom on the process of establishing prices for natural gas delivery to Belarus by 2025. The tariff is set at $128.5 per 1,000 m3, as in 2022. A Gazprom-dependent gas intermediary and Gazprom also set some rules for natural gas supply to Belarus.

“A protocol was signed between Gazprom and the government of Belarus on the process for establishing prices for natural gas supply to Belarus and the level of markup on natural gas sold by Gazprom Transgaz Belarus to buyers in the Republic of Belarus for the period 2023-2025,” according to a statement. The gas price for Belarus is determined in relation to the Russian rouble and is based on the 2022 conditions. Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko stated in December 2022 that Moscow and Minsk had agreed to set gas prices for the country for three years. Russian Minister of Energy Nikolay Shulginov in turn stated that the price of Russian gas for Belarus in 2023 has been agreed to be the same as last year ($128.5 per 1,000 cubic meters) in Russian roubles. In February, Gazprom and its subsidiary Gazprom Transgaz Belarus extended contracts for gas supplies to Belarus for 2023-2025 and transit through its territory in 2023. In 2021, Russia sent 19.78 bcm of gas to Belarus compared to 18.766 bcm in 2020, the Russian Federal Customs Service said in a statement. The total cost of transit through Belarus is estimated at 12 billion roubles in 2023, with the estimated cost of gas for 2023–2025 totaling 200 billion roubles per year. Gazprom Transgaz Belarus is a fully-fledged subsidiary of Gazprom. Belarus is fully dependent on gas supply carried out by exclusive importer Gazprom Transgaz Belarus. The company operates three underground storage facilities, among others. Russia and Belarus are both committed to establishing rules for a common gas market.
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