Date: 13 October 2020

Pensioners’ protests, sanctions will hit Lukashenko

On Monday evening the supporters of the opposition attended protest actions in various districts of Minsk. They blocked the passage and erected barricades. The largest protests took place in the northwest and southeast parts of Minsk. There were arrests, while men dressed in civilian clothes, wearing masks on their faces, controlled cars on the streets. Earlier the militia used stun grenades and tear gas against pensioners protesting in the center of Minsk. Detentions took place there. Less numerous protests of pensioners also occurred in Grodno, Brest, Salihorsk, Gomel and Lida. The Ministry of the Internal Affairs warns that in case of further radicalization of demonstrations, even firearms may be used against protesters. On Monday the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the official number of detainees during Sunday protests. It is a daily record, as many as 713 people. Also on Monday, two members of the Coordination Council, detained a few days earlier, were sentenced to 15 days’ imprisonment each. Former presidential candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya refuses to enter dialogue with repressive authorities and calls for the re-election of the head of state. In Luxembourg, during a meeting of EU foreign ministers, a consensus was reached on another set of sanctions against Belarus. This time it will also affect Alexander Lukashenko.

All texts published by the Warsaw Institute Foundation may be disseminated on the condition that their origin is credited. Images may not be used without permission.

TAGS: migration crisis, NATO, Belarus, Russia


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