Date: 27 February 2018

Warsaw Institute hosting an international conference about illegal migration in European Union

Warsaw Institute is a host of the international conference titled “Prevention of Illegal Migration to the EU. Finding Solutions to Migratory Pressures”, within the framework of The International Visegrad Fund’s strategic grant.

The event is to take place on March 26 this year in University of Warsaw Column Hall, building of the Historical Department 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście St. Warsaw Poland, as a result of the cooperation between three think tanks of the Visegrad Group – Czech European Values think-tank, Hungarian Századvég Foundation and Warsaw Institute from Poland.

The aim of the meeting is to develop a dialogue concerning key challenges for the migration policy in Europe. Formulation of a strategy for preventing illegal migration in Europe and a possibility of exchanging experiences between the participants of the conference will contribute to the creation of a joint voice in the region; moreover, it will influence the possibility of taking the debate to the European scene. An open nature of the conference will enable bridging the gap between experts and the Visegrad countries’ societies, increasing the level of the public debate. In Warsaw, the debaters are the experts and practitioners from Central and Eastern Europe, West Europe and representatives of the Polish authorities.

The conference is a part of the strategic project of The International Visegrad Fund titled „Empowering Policy Positions of the Visegrad Group in the EU”, which gathers experts in migration policy and internal security from V4 countries. The purpose of the project is to develop key documents concerning Visegrad members’ standpoints on migration policy and to formulate constructive proposals for the whole EU. The project consists of three stages. Representatives of V4 countries are to meet in the capitals of Visegrad countries in order to discuss crucial challenges for migration policy and security in Europe. Then, experts are to create special reports on strategic European policies and, as a result, to submit proposals and outcomes of the research on the EU forum in Brussels.

The project website is available here.



This project is coordinated by Centre CONFIDENT CZECHIA with the support of International Visegrad Fund, European Values Think-Tank and Hanns Seidel Foundation.





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