Josep Borrell’s Speech, Challenging Issues of Lithuania and Taiwan

Josep Borrell’s Speech, Challenging Issues of Lithuania and Taiwan

The relations of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) with both the European Union (EU) and Taiwan have become complicated recently. These difficult events were summarized in a speech delivered at the Plenary of the European Parliament by Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission, on behalf of Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Lukashenko Threatens With Polish Tanks On Pretext Of Inviting Russian Troops

Lukashenko Threatens With Polish Tanks On Pretext Of Inviting Russian Troops

The Belarusian dictator claimed that Poland had moved tanks to the border as part of its response to thousands of illegal crossings in what he named as an excuse to “bring troops closer to the Belarusian borders.” This is ridiculous but a handy cover-up for Lukashenko to invite more Russian soldiers to Belarus.

China, Russia Hold Joint Naval Maneuvers

China, Russia Hold Joint Naval Maneuvers

China-Russia military drills Naval Interaction-2021 began on Thursday, October 14, near Russia’s Peter the Great Gulf in the Sea of Japan. This is another rapprochement between Beijing and Moscow, which might lead to an alliance. Moreover, it highlights the need to respond to aggressive actions of the West, as China and Russia perceive them.

Russian Gas Blackmail: A “Moldova Lesson” For Europe

Russian Gas Blackmail: A “Moldova Lesson” For Europe

Russian energy giant Gazprom is trying to force Moldova into signing a new contract to purchase gas at eye-watering prices. Russia is taking advantage of a gas monopoly by exerting pressure on Moldova and restricting its gas flows to the country. The government in Chisinau is hoping that the EU and Ukraine helps the country while the Moldova gas crisis shows the danger of becoming fully reliant on Russian energy commodities.

NATO–Russia: Political, Not Security, Crisis

NATO–Russia: Political, Not Security, Crisis

Russia cut almost all remaining ties with the North Atlantic Alliance for the expulsion of Russian diplomats, who were allegedly working as intelligence officers. Moscow is now fueling its rhetoric targeting the Western military alliance. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has described relations with Russia as hitting a new low since the end of the Cold War. Russia’s policy confirms that Moscow sees the alliance as the biggest obstacle to its belligerent deeds. Hitting the military bloc fits into the Kremlin’s long-lasting strategy consisting of crippling or breaking up the transatlantic bloc.

Israeli Prime Minister Arrives In Russia For First Talks With Putin

Israeli Prime Minister Arrives In Russia For First Talks With Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted new Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in Sochi for talks in which these two focused on what their countries had in common. It was an important meeting for the Israeli official. Bennett is seeking to keep cordial ties Putin and Netanyahu had maintained for many years. A bridge between the former prime minister and his successor is Minister Zeev Elkin, an Israeli specialist in Russia affairs.

Kosovo Expels Two Russian Diplomats Amid Conflict With Serbia

Kosovo Expels Two Russian Diplomats Amid Conflict With Serbia

State authorities in Kosovo said the two diplomats at Russia’s liaison office to Kosovo were ordered to leave the country. As the office is closely linked to the Russian embassy in Belgrade, the expulsion could have been due to renewed tensions between Kosovo and Serbia. Russia and Serbia are allies; furthermore, Moscow does not recognize Kosovo as an independent state while Russian intelligence outlets have been involved in many joint operations with Serbian operatives in this Balkan country.

The United States and Sweden during the Cold War: Part 2

The United States and Sweden during the Cold War: Part 2

In the Cold War period, Sweden had de facto three foreign policy choices. First, to yet again attempt to cooperate with the other Scandinavian states more closely. Second, to join NATO, which would be a rather sudden move. Third, to continue the policy of non-alignment, the effectiveness of which was contingent upon the decisions of the two dominant superpowers.

Turkey Detains Russian Hitmen: Are They Kadyrov’s People?

Turkey Detains Russian Hitmen: Are They Kadyrov’s People?

Turkish authorities have arrested six men on charges of alleged plans to attack Chechen opposition activists residing in Turkey. Four of the purported hitmen are Russian citizens. All signs are that the operation was staged to take revenge on critics of Ramzan Kadyrov, the Kremlin-backed leader of Chechnya.

Moscow Is Going Back Into Lockdown As Covid-19 Cases and Deaths Soar

Moscow Is Going Back Into Lockdown As Covid-19 Cases and Deaths Soar

The epidemiological situation in Russia is worsening every single day. New restrictions come far too late while the country is likely to see a renewed surge in cases and deaths. Russian health minister says the virus has already overwhelmed the country’s hospitals. Those to be blamed are state authorities who have neglected the pandemic for months now while failing to encourage people to vaccinate.

Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

For more than a decade, the Republic of Yemen has been torn apart by multiple armed conflicts involving both domestic militant groups and foreign states. The clashes have weakened Yemen’s central government and divided the country into various local power centers.

Polish Support for Taiwan – Podcast

Polish Support for Taiwan – Podcast

In early September 2021, Polish authorities donated 400,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Taiwan, which was enthusiastically welcomed by Taipei. However, this does not translate to a deterioration of relations between Warsaw and Beijing and a sudden strong support for Taiwan in its efforts to be recognized as an independent state.



In the period April – September, the Warsaw Institute had the honor to perform the public task “The Young Sovran – 100th anniversary of Poland’s independence.” The project was co-financed by the Multiannual Program “Niepodległa” (“Sovereign”) for 2017-2022.

As part of the task, the Warsaw Institute conducted four expert meetings, which took the form of discussions, debates, and lectures. The following events were organized.
