Putin forever? The operation has started

Putin forever? The operation has started

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 23 April 2018 Putin forever? The operation has started According to the current constitution Vladimir Putin is to leave the Kremlin in 2024. If he wants to govern after that time, as everything suggests, he will have to change the law. Either by...
Post-electoral price shock

Post-electoral price shock

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 23 April 2018 Post-electoral price shock Russians are paying more for petrol from day to day. Fast increase in prices has started almost the day after the presidential elections. The record was set in March – last such a high fuel price was in...
Will Ukraine receive a NATO Membership Action Plan?

Will Ukraine receive a NATO Membership Action Plan?

Ukraine Monitor Date: 20 April 2018 Will Ukraine receive a NATO Membership Action Plan? President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has informed his voters about a desire to obtain a NATO Membership Action Plan by the end of 2019. He has even taken a step further: he...
Where is the strategy for ukrainian foreign policy?

Where is the strategy for ukrainian foreign policy?

Ukraine Monitor Date: 20 April 2018 Where is the strategy for ukrainian foreign policy? The Annual Report of Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” (ukr. Рада зовнішньої політики „Українська призма”), has been published. The non-governmental organization...