November 5th Revolution. How Does the FSB Do It?

November 5th Revolution. How Does the FSB Do It?

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 14 November 2017 November 5th Revolution. How Does the FSB Do It? Hundreds of supporters of the Artpodgotovka movement were arrested – such was a result of an operation conducted by the Russian special forces. The provocation’s aim (inspired...
Another Russian Spy Arrested in Estonia

Another Russian Spy Arrested in Estonia

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 13 November 2017 Another Russian Spy Arrested in Estonia No other NATO member country so often detains Russian spies as Estonia does. On the one hand, such a state of affairs may be due to the local counterintelligence, regarded as one of the most...
Russia’s Internal Sea?

Russia’s Internal Sea?

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 10 November 2017 Russia’s Internal Sea? Moscow is consistently increasing its military capabilities in the Caspian Sea. Although Russia is only one of its five coastal countries, it seeks to transform the basin into its “internal...