The Balloon Escalation

The Balloon Escalation

On Saturday, February 04, 2023, the U.S. Air Force F-22 stealth jet fighter shot down what the U.S. identified as a Chinese surveillance balloon off the coast of South Carolina. Similar events involving unidentified Chinese balloons have happened before, but this incident has a symbolic significance. The shot-down balloon becomes the next escalation point in relations between the U. S. and China.

With Record-High Sales, Novatek Reveals Ambitious Plans

With Record-High Sales, Novatek Reveals Ambitious Plans

In 2022, Russia’s biggest private gas firm Novatek made a record net profit, up 50 percent from last year. That is due to soaring liquefied natural gas exports in Russia. In the past, unlike Gazprom, Novatek put a safe bet on LNG production and now benefits from that.

The Greatest Challenges to Ukraine’s Accession to the European Union

The Greatest Challenges to Ukraine’s Accession to the European Union

On February 28, 2022, just days after Russia’s renewed aggression against Ukraine, the country submitted its formal application for membership in the European Union (EU). Ukraine’s bid for EU accession had been a long-awaited goal, but it had been hindered by the significant obstacle of Russia’s 2014 attack on Ukraine. It had been used as a pretext by Western European countries to delay the membership process.

Putin Pulls Back From Reset-Era Nuclear Arms Control Deal

Putin Pulls Back From Reset-Era Nuclear Arms Control Deal

What Western countries learned from the recent address of the Russian president is that Moscow is willing to pull back from a nuclear arms control deal. Vladimir Putin indeed said that Moscow is “suspending” its participation in New START, the last remaining nuclear arms reduction deal between the U.S. and Russia since 2010. It is just a formality as Moscow no longer complies with the nuclear deal.

Marking One Year of Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine

Marking One Year of Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine

As Russian leader Vladimir Putin gave orders for a military assault on February 24, 2022, Russian troops mounted attacks in multiple cities throughout Ukraine. The idea was to seize Kyiv and install a Moscow-loyal puppet government in Ukraine. A Russian blitzkrieg operation actually succeeded in the south where Russian forces advanced from Crimea to capture territory equal to the area of Switzerland. No sooner than in March did they have to withdraw from northern Ukraine while Ukrainian forces made gradual efforts to recapture more swathes of territory. That has been possible through Western military aid to Ukraine.

Novatek Plans To Launch Arctic LNG 2 This Year

Novatek Plans To Launch Arctic LNG 2 This Year

Russia’s largest private gas firm aims at expanding its flagship project Arctic LNG 2, which is on schedule to begin operating by the end of 2023. War and international sanctions notwithstanding, the Russian natural gas company forges ahead with the development of its grand Arctic projects.

Russia Moves Troops From Far North To Ukraine

Russia Moves Troops From Far North To Ukraine

The Norwegian and Estonian intelligence agencies recently presented their open threat and risk assessments in 2023. Both emphasized that Russia poses the greatest threat to European security. Interestingly, Russia has relocated large ground forces from the High North to Ukraine, according to both reports.

War In Ukraine Dominates Munich Security Conference

War In Ukraine Dominates Munich Security Conference

The Russian invasion of Ukraine topped the agenda of the Munich Security Conference this year. The summit gathered top leaders including Polish President Andrzej Duda, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron, and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the conference via a video link.

Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address

Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address

U.S. President Joe Biden’s state of the union address mostly concentrated on domestic issues, with geopolitical turmoil being somewhat of secondary importance. When tackling foreign affairs, Biden focused mostly on Ukraine and U.S-China rivalry.

Israel Makes Slight Shift In Ukraine Policy

Israel Makes Slight Shift In Ukraine Policy

Ukraine Monitor presents the latest news concerning internal and external matters of Ukraine – a unique country where the interests of the East and the West clash almost every day. Date: Author: Grzegorz Kuczyński Israel Makes Slight Shift In Ukraine...

Russia Boosts Presence in Mali

Russia Boosts Presence in Mali

The Malian junta appointed several pro-Russian figures to high-ranking military positions, indicating growing Russian influence over the Malian government. In addition, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov traveled to Bamako, the Malian capital, where he was awarded one of the highest Malian orders. All this points to the growing influence of Moscow in the African country.

Staff Reshuffles in Russia’s Security Council

Staff Reshuffles in Russia’s Security Council

It was long ago when Russia’s Security Council saw major staff changes. They may undermine the reputation of Nikolay Patrushev, its chairman. Recent appointees include people from outside the inner circle of the former FSB chief. In addition, a new person linked to Vladimir Putin took a job at the Council. Perhaps the institution saw some personnel changes ahead of the forthcoming Federal Assembly address. Or possibly Putin is seeking to chasten some hawkish officials within the Council.
