Warsaw – the City that is No More

Warsaw – the City that is No More

THE WARSAW INSTITUTE REVIEW Date: 2 January 2019    Author: Katarzyna Utracka Warsaw – the City that is No More „I wanted a great Warsaw. […] And Warsaw is great indeed”. (Warsaw, September 23, 1939. Excerpt from the last speech given by the President of Warsaw,...
World War II reparations: a problem for Germany today?

World War II reparations: a problem for Germany today?

NEWS Date: 6 September 2018 World War II reparations: a problem for Germany today? On Thursday, September 6, 2018, the Warsaw Institute took part in the conference entitled “World War II reparations: a problem for Germany today?” organized in Warsaw by the...
Poland, First to Fight

Poland, First to Fight

THE WARSAW INSTITUTE REVIEW Date: 12 March 2018    Author: Bogusław Kopka, PhD, Paweł Kosiński, PhD Poland, First to Fight Poland was the first country to firmly resist the brutal expansion of the totalitarian powers that were utterly indifferent to the rights of...